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The number of vesicles available in the nerve ending is sufficient to PandemicSurvival Review  allow transmission of only a few thousand nerve-to-muscle impulses. Therefore, for continued function of the neuromuscular junction, the vesicles need to be reformed rapidly.

Within a few seconds after the action potential is over, coated-pits appear in the terminal nerve membrane, caused by contractile proteins in the nerve ending, especially the protein clathrin, attached to the membrane in the area of the original vesicles. Within about 20 seconds, the proteins contract and cause the pits to break away to the interior of the membrane, forming new vesicles. Within another few seconds, acetylcholine is transported to the interior of these vesicles and they are then ready for a new cycle of acetylcholine release.

Smooth Muscle Skeletal Muscle fibres are activated exclusively by the nervous system, whereas, smooth muscle can be stimulated to contract by multiple types of signals such as nervous signals, hormonal stimulation, stretch of the muscle and some other ways.
