1. Pets

Pet Gerbils Need High-Quality Gerbil Food

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What Do Gerbils Eat? | Gerbil Food | Gerbils | Guide | Omlet UKGerbils are rodents that come with an adorable appearance and long tails. They live in the wilderness of Asia and Africa and mostly thrive happily in pairs or groups. These creatures are considered wild but they have been domesticated over the years. Why? They are easy to keep, maintain, and handle. They are cheap animals, and you do not need several things to make these creatures happy and thriving.

One of the primary things you need to have in keeping a gerbil or two is nutritious food. What do these animals eat? What do they need to remain healthy physically? 

In the wild, gerbils eat leaves, bulbs, nuts, and seeds. When kept indoors as pets, gerbils need gerbil food of high quality. This food should comprise a mixture of legumes, fruits, nuts, grains, and seeds. The food you must buy should have the necessary amino acids, minerals, and vitamins needed by the creatures. It should not contain flavors, preservatives, or any artificial color. 

Other treats gerbils enjoy include the following:

  • Carrots
  • Pumpkin
  • Cucumber
  • Apples

Your veterinarian Tampa, FL is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and well-being.

