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Types of Back Pain


While back pain may be localized, it can also spread to the buttocks or hips and may also be associated with nerve compression. The pain in the back may feel like a dull ache or tightness in the muscles, but it could be from injury, arthritis, or wear and tear on the spine. If back pain is keeping you from doing the things you love, talk to your doctor about a treatment plan. This article discusses some of the more common types of back pain.

Acute back pain is usually sudden and occurs suddenly. It may be caused by an injury, strain, or muscle spasm. Symptoms of acute back pain can include lifting heavy objects, bending at work, or performing certain activities that cause back pain. To treat acute back pain, you should note the length of time the pain lasts. The pain may go away on its own after a few days, but it will probably take several weeks to completely heal.

The structures of the back are interconnected and a problem with any one of them can result in a variety of different kinds of pain. Among these are spinal nerves, facet joints, and large muscles. When something goes wrong with these structures, the pain you experience is a signal that something is wrong. Back pain can be categorized into three major categories: neuropathic, bone and cartilage, and muscle and ligament pain.

Common Cause of Back Pain


What is a common cause of back pain? It can be anything from lifting heavy objects or improperly using the back to arthritis. In some cases, the condition does not cause symptoms but can affect your daily activities. Arthritis of the back, also known as spinal stenosis, can narrow the space near the spinal cord, causing pain and discomfort. Other common causes of back pain are osteoporosis and arthritis. Osteoporosis causes the bones to become brittle and weak and can lead to a serious injury such as a compression fracture.

A medical professional will conduct a neurological examination to determine the exact cause of the pain. The doctor will check the sensation in affected areas and test reflexes. They will also observe the way you walk and bend forward and backward. If you're experiencing back pain, your doctor will likely order imaging tests to help them understand the condition. Sometimes, the diagnosis can be made on the spot with a physical examination. If you suffer from chronic back pain, you should see a doctor immediately.

Proper body mechanics are very important to avoid pain and injury. The spine is made up of vertebrae and discs that sit between them. When a disc is damaged, it can cause back pain and require medical attention. Once you start exercising properly, you should notice less discomfort. Ultimately, proper body mechanics can reduce your back pain and allow you to return to normal activities without pain. So, the best way to prevent back pain is to follow the advice above.



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