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READ MORE: 10+ Best Place To Share Your Blog Post To Promote Your Blog

We are approx 5 billion readers in this world and nobody knows who is our audience and who really wants to read our blog post.

There is a large audience who do have not any idea about your blog. Getting blog readers is not very easy always keep in mind how much people in this world want to read your content all this depends on your niche.

For generating for getting your audience you need some best platform where every type of audience is present so that this will be the easy way to attract your audience.

There are many best sharing platforms for a blog posts that can help to find the best readers according to your post content. There are many free blog promotion sites some sites have monthly or yearly subscriptions but many sites are open for every user.

5 Best Ways to increase blog traffic 2021

Firstly find that sites are totally free for uploading a guest post or sharing your site.

16 Best Place To Share Your Blog Post for free

  1. FaceBook (Every One Knows very well)
  2. Medium
  3. Instagram
  4. Pinterest
  5. Quora
  6. Tumblr
  7. Reddit
  8. WordPress
  9. Flipboard
  10.  Scoop. It
  11.  Mix
  12.  Email
  13.  Issue
  14.  Digg
  15.  Diigo
  16.  Storyboard

READ MORE: 10+ Best Places To Share Your Blog Post To Promote Your Blog

Read Also This: 10 Off-Page SEO Techniques Which Improve Ranking In 2021


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