Places You Must Visit in England

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The picture of lush green and pleasant land flashes our mind when we hear the name England. From the little coves on the Dorset Coast to gorgeous little hamlets and the vast history, the land has so much to offer its travellers. Creating a catalogue of all the best places to visit in the country is undoubtedly an impossible task. Therefore, here we mentioned some of our best picks.


The new town in Shropshire offers numerous things to engage travellers, especially if you are fascinated with exploring the land’s industrial past. Telford is a point for the World Heritage Ironbridge George, and Quaker entrepreneurs started with their industrial revolution during the 18th century. On your visit to the town, you can make up for an accommodation Telford and explore the old mines, blast furnaces and kilns lying on the banks of the River Severn. You can visit the industrial museums around Ironbridge, located within an easy drive of the town.


Hertfordshire, as one of the Home Counties, borders London to the north. The land has its recent history anchored in its proximity to the capital. The emergence of “New Towns” such as Stevenage and Garden Cities such as Welwyn and Letchworth offers the people the beauty and advantages of both the city and countryside. However, the land is famous for its profusion of oddities. While staying in a holiday accommodation Hertfordshire, you can explore the medieval caves with their beautiful carvings, massive taxidermy and huge fairy tale Grotto.


 The Black County of Wolverhampton was a former industrial town dominated hugely by the service sector. While manufacturing still forms a dominant part of the local economy, the days of coal pits and metal works are now histories. While you stay at the serviced accommodation Wolverhampton, you can explore the collieries turn parks and the industrialist art mansions. During your visit, ensure to explore the jaw-dropping Wightwick Manor, which is an arts and crafts masterpiece, and the best collections at the Wolverhampton Art gallery.


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