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Mould is a common and visible sign of moisture, which can be found in the home and on surfaces such as ceilings, walls, floors, closets, and showers. It can grow on any surface as long as there is enough moisture in the air. Because they're inhalable, mould poses health risks to those with allergies or asthma.

With mould removers, you reduce the risk of airborne mould affecting your home. However, using a plant-based mould remover vs chemical mould remover is always a big question because each one has its pros and cons. This short post can learn more about each one's properties and capabilities.

How Does a Plant-Based Mould Remover Work?

A plant-based mould remover is a product that is made with natural ingredients such as tea tree oil, citric acid, and cinnamon. It is used to remove the harmful organisms from any surface, including plastic, metal and wood.

The plant-based mould remover works by breaking down the cell walls to remove the mould easier. The tea tree oil also helps kill off any spores that may be present to prevent future infestations.

This product is environmentally friendly because it does not have any harsh chemicals or toxins that can harm plants or animals. This property also makes them a sustainable mould remover that any individual or organization can use.

No Phosphates, Chlorine and Ammonia

Plant-based mould removers have none of these chemicals, making them safe to use on any surface and home. These chemicals are dangerous because they can cause asthma and other respiratory issues, outweighing their benefits for homeowners.

Uses Amylase, Lipase and Protease

Organic plant-based mould removers use these enzymes to remove moulds that can't survive high pH levels. Protease has the least activity against moulds, and amylase has the greatest activity against mould spores. Lipase is in between protease and amylase's performance in removal capabilities. Combining them makes them effective in creating a non-harmful high pH level to remove moulds.

Safe to Inhale

With natural-occurring enzymes that remove moulds, plant-based mould removers are safe to inhale and won't cause any adverse effects on the body.

Environmentally-Friendly and Sustainable

Chlorine, ammonia, and phosphates are unsustainable chemicals that can wreak havoc on the environment. With organic plant-based mould removers, you have an environmentally-friendly and sustainable ecosystem that naturally removes mould, keeps you safe, and reduces any possible damages to your property.

How Does a Chemical Mould Remover Work?

A chemical mould remover is a cleaning agent that removes the mold from the surface of a material. This is achieved by attacking the mold with an acid or alkaline solution.

The most common type of chemical mould remover is bleach, which can be used as a liquid or a powder. Bleach is often used to remove mold from fabrics, carpets, and tougher materials, including stone and metal.

Bleach has been found to be one of the most effective chemicals for removing mold from surfaces because it attacks the mold itself and any organic matter on the surface that could serve as food for new colonies of fungi and bacteria. However, it has destructive properties that can also cause long-term material and local ecosystem damage.

Uses Bleach, Ammonia and Borax

Bleach is a strong corrosive that can cause skin irritation, and borax is a toxic substance harmful to the lungs. Ammonia can be harmful to the skin and lung tissue if inhaled. While they can remove the moulds and other troublesome bacteria in homes, they can cause more damage than benefits.

Contains Detergents

Detergents can get airborne upon evaporation and land on bodies of water. Contaminating these water bodies can kill sea life and cause irreparable damage to local ecosystems. While airborne evaporated detergents have a low risk of health hazards upon inhalation, they can cause massive damage to the environment.

Has a High Rate of Success With Some Consequences

Bleach and ammonia are effective solutions to remove any organism from surfaces. However, they can cause discoloration and thin the material they touch. Thus, using bleach and ammonia guarantees a better success rate than natural mould removers, but you may suffer irreparable damage and other consequences afterward.

Winner: Plant-Based Mould Removers

We highly recommend using plant-based mould removers because of their natural and sustainable approach to removing mould and their effect on the environment. Plus, they're greatly worth the investment if you source them from highly-reliable manufacturers. Switch to plant-based mould removers, remove mould safely, and gain more benefits without possible damages and negative consequences.

OVOL Singapore is dedicated to providing the best plant-based mould removers and other helpful household cleaners and products that are greatly sustainable, environmentally friendly, and future-minded. Check out our catalog today!




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