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Growing up children and kids need a healthy dose of nature and it is proven that kids who play outdoors are happier as compared to those who are stuck to gadgets. Nowadays, in our compact lifestyle with limited spaces, kids hardly find space to play outdoors with greenery all around. The concrete jungle is spread everywhere. In such conditions, gated communities come to your rescue and provide play and garden area to keep you hale and hearty.

1. Play Area Helps in Personality Development
A Play Area is not just for playing. Play area is child-centric. It provides a number of add on advantages to the kids. Parents of today want their kids to go an extra mile in their studies. Hence, kids also need to boost their energy to acquire that extra mile. They need a quick refresh after the school and this rejuvenation in the play area will be best way to refresh your child after a heavy study session. These sports and games after school time help the kids to grow physically. They make new friendships and also learn to identify between good and bad. Play area also helps to develop their social, emotional, behavioural, thinking and communication skills.

With the prevailing trend of nuclear families, children usually come in contact with their parents only. But in play areas, they develop a sense of community and learn the norms of behaving with people. They also learn to celebrate festivities with others. They learn to appreciate the fun of living in a community. Children feel emotionally and physically safe and valued and develop a sense of sharing and caring and qualities like respect, kindness, and equality. They polish their socialising skills. Play areas keep them away from longer screen times and electronic gadgets. Play area keeps the children hale and hearty.

Play area, not only helps kids but also helps parents who supervise their kids. They develop bonds with other parents, creating a community bond which is very essential in today’s busy world.

2. Indispensable Garden Area and Open Spaces
Open Outdoor Spaces are essential for all ages. They serve as energy boosters to the adults of the family. Even the elders of the family can spend a few hours in the evening and get revitalised. Garden area and open spaces are perfect spots to socialize with other members of the society, of same age and with similar taste. Almost 70% of the land is left open, just for you to enjoy nature and come close to it. These open spaces also serve to improve your health. The open spaces and gardens of The Lakeside Enclave and the Water front Villas of Good Time Builders provide greatly enhanced opportunities for free exploration. This will boost your health and also help in your child’s physical, mental and emotional development.

The most awaited ventures of Good Time Builders, The Lakeside Enclave at Isnapur and the Waterfront Villas at Patancheru are magnanimous ventures which accommodate ample open spaces, play area for kids and green gardens for all residents of these ventures, in addition to a plethora of amenities and luxuries. A huge Clubhouse which is desired by everyone is also found in these ventures. Life at these ventures will be hale and hearty.

3. Play and Garden Areas Keeps You Hale and Hearty
It is true that our kids are more inclined towards gadgets or electronic devices and they hardly find space to play or a chance to spend some time with nature. Most of the time is being spent indoors. It is not only for kids, even adults spend less time with nature. Some time spent in play and garden area will keep you hale and hearty. Spending sometime helps you and your kids in various ways. Play and garden areas of Good Time Builders are perfect places to spend some time outdoors so that you keep yourself hale and hearty. Here are a few reasons why you and your kids should spend some time outdoors, especially in play and garden areas.

3.1. Sunshine is essential
We all know that vitamin D plays a crucial role in many body processes, from bone development to our immune system. It is also a fact that most of us suffer from the deficiency of this vitamin because we don’t spend some time in the sunlight. Our bodies need sunlight. They work best and help to keep up our mood and also keep us hale and hearty.

3.2. Exercise and Unstructured Time
Children as well as adults need some exercise and it is difficult to get them inside a house. The ventures of Good Time Builders provide various opportunities so that you and your family live a hale and hearty life. Indoor exercises are also done but kids should be sent to play outdoors. They not only develop physically but also learn a few ethics of life. Children should always be given some unstructured time which they can spend with other kids and learn to make up their own games, figure things out, and amuse themselves. They learn to be independent and also learn a few life skills like caring and sharing, winning and losing etc.

3.3. Kids Shouldn’t be in Bubbles
Most parents are very anxious about their kids. They do not want them to take any risks but the fact is that life is full of risks. Let them learn to take small risks by playing in the play area without your supervision. Never keep them in bubbles, that means indoors and always in front of you. They learn to be confident and brave when you are not around and will be ready to face the inevitable risks of life. They learn something from failures as well as from success. Play and garden area helps them in personality development.

3.4. Love Nature and Socialize
When we are indoors, we hardly get a chance to admire and enjoy nature. The ventures of Good Time Builders offer plenty of opportunities to adore nature. Give yourself some time to spend with nature and feel how it soothes your soul. Moments spent with nature keeps you hale and hearty.

Nuclear families have kept us away from people. We hardly get opportunities to enjoy events together with others, other than our family. At the ventures of Good Time Builders you get ample opportunities to mingle with others of your age and who share common interests. Kids also learn to make friends. They learn to share and co-operate. If they interact in very structured settings as the case is in most of the families they can’t socialize well. Finally, it can be concluded that play and garden areas keep you hale and hearty.


Written by Nikhil Gattu

To Read More : https://www.gtgroupindia.com/blog

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