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Blocked drain issues can become an absolute nuisance especially when you have to watch the water go down in-between washing individual plates and utensils in the kitchen. Please do your self a favour and don't wait that long to call your local plumber!
​We typically get call outs for when the damage has taken its toll and costly repairs are needed. What we recommend is – if you notice any water flow issues it is usually an early sign that there is some obstruction within the drain pipe. Quite often in the bathroom sink and shower we find a build up of hair is the most common cause of blocked drains, which can also lead to burst pipes. In the kitchen sink block drains are typically the cause of food and solids finding their way down the drain, sometimes we even find cooking utensils and kids toys just to add to the lethal block drain cocktail! We also couldn't tell you how many times we have found tennis balls down the drain out in the back yard.
Our blocked drains service is efficient and reliable. We take the time to assess the problem area and take a closer look within the drains to determine the most effective solution in the effort to minimise damage and get to the cause of the problem fast. In this process we can also discover if there are any further issues down pipe such as tree roots growing within the pipes. If we do happen to find early signs, we will show you exactly where the issue is and how we can resolve this problem before it becomes an absolute nightmare.



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