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Pooja for Mangal dosh

Mangal Dosh is found when the celestial planet Mars is found in 1, 4, 7, 8, and 12 th houses in a person's horoscope. If any individual is suffering from this problem he/she will face a lot of challenges in marriage like delay in marriage, post-marriage issues, etc. the effect is so severe in his/her leads to divorce and sometimes the death of their spouse.  This condition is rectified by consulting an expert astrologer who is thorough with all the rituals of pooja. 

Sometimes individuals with acute Mangal Dosha in their horoscope chart are more inclined to be violent, have a bad temper, be aggressive, will great aspirations and desires as the planet Mars is known to be a hostile and fiery planet. In Hindu traditions, the planet Mars is considered the  God of War. But the Mangal dosh in a person’s horoscope can be corrected over time. 

When the planet Mars is positioned in the 7th House of any of the individual horoscopes, it affects the marriage severely. There is the possibility of distress and discomfort in the marriage along with constant quarrels and disagreements. The couple will undergo hardships, which could eventually lead to separation which also sometimes will end up in divorce.

Let us know in detail, what remedies and rituals are adapted to one’s routine to make life more delightful. How to rectify Mangal Dosh in the horoscope and nullify the effects of Mars. we should take the necessary steps to be followed by the individual for the adverse effects of Mangal Dosha in their horoscopes chart. 

  • Pray to Mangal God: This is the supreme remedy to Mangal Dosha nivaran. Offering prayers to Mangal Dev in a Navgrah temple, chanting Mantra to Mangal should be chanted every Tuesday using the specified Mantra. His should be followed until one will attain the desired condition. 
  • Dress the colors of Mars: As per the Vedic calendar, the color associated with Mars is Red. This will help to attract the universal energy of Mars, it is recommended to wear red outfits or always keep a piece of red cloth/handkerchief.
  • Offer prayers to Ganesha and Hanuman: Women should worship Lord Ganesha to acquire his blessing. The people suffering from Mangal Dosh should observe fast on Ganesh Chaturthi and Hanuman Jayanthi. Chant or listen to Hanuman Chalisa every day. 
  • Chant Gayatri Mantra: It is considered the Universal Mantra for all sufferings. One should have the habit of chanting the Gayatri Mantra 108 times. 
  • Performing Kumbh Vivah: This is the wedding conducted for the woman who has Mangal Dosh and finds a delay in her marriage. The pooja will help her to get married early or at the correct prospective age.  
  • Donate articles on Tuesdays: In order to avoid the effects of Mars, people should donate generously food, red-colored clothes, and sharp objects to poor people.
  • Conducting marriage between two mangal dosh persons: The wedding is performed between two Mangal Dosh individuals is ideal as this will nullify the effect of the Planet Mars.

Why choose Trimbakeshwar for conducting Pooja for Mangal Dosh 

Trimbakeshwar located in Nashik, Maharashtra is considered the best temple for performing Pooja for Mangal Dosh. performing this puja by a learned astrologer or Pandit is very advantageous to the people for acquiring a better job prospect or a successful business. It will help you in getting rid of family disputes, clear all the debts, and worries due to illness, etc. Finally married life becomes extremely joyful and content. This pooja is highly helpful for those whose horoscope observes the delay in marriage then perform this puja the obstacles are removed completely.


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