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Porcelain veneers are a cosmetic treatment that hides minor cosmetic imperfections in the teeth. Typically, this procedure requires several dental appointments: consultation and treatment planning, preparation, and bonding.

A dentist will use impressions to design your custom veneers. These will then be crafted in a specialized lab. The finished product is lifelike, blending in with your natural smile.


Porcelain veneers St. Petersburg FL are a popular cosmetic treatment for individuals who want to improve the shape, size, or color of their teeth. They are especially effective for stains that do not respond to whitening treatments and can also fill in gaps between your front teeth. Additionally, porcelain veneers are stain-resistant and will not stain from coffee or tea.

Unlike a dental crown, which requires your dentist to remove a significant amount of enamel, composite veneers require little tooth preparation and can be placed in just one appointment. They are also more affordable than porcelain veneers and can be repaired if they are damaged.

At Creating Smiles Dental, led by Cindy Brayer, DMD, PA, and Phong Phane, DMD, we use composite veneers that custom fit right over your teeth to correct cracks, discoloration, or misalignments. We offer these and other services in a relaxing setting that is almost like a spa! Call today to schedule your appointment!


Unlike dental crowns, veneers only require the dentist to remove a very small amount of enamel. This makes the procedure much faster and less invasive than a dental onlay. However, it may take several appointments to complete the process.

During the first visit, the dentist will use a handpiece to shape and prepare your teeth. He or she will also help you choose the best shade for your veneers. Then, an impression will be taken and temporary veneers will be placed on your teeth until the custom-fitted ones are ready.

The second visit is when the permanent veneers will be applied. Your dentist will bond them to the front surfaces of your teeth using a dental cement or bonding adhesive. Once bonded, the veneers will be hard to notice and should last a long time. If you grind your teeth during the night, your dentist might recommend a night guard to protect the veneers from excessive wear and tear.


Unlike other cosmetic procedures, veneers use a minimal amount of your tooth’s surface to make the most aesthetically pleasing changes. They are also durable, protecting the surface of your teeth from damage and helping to preserve the health of your natural teeth.

porcelain veneers St. Petersburg FL are extremely thin and blend with your natural teeth for a bright, white smile that looks natural and healthy. They are also strong and stain-resistant, making them a great option for those with stained or chipped teeth.

Composite veneers offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional veneers and are applied directly in the office. This process is faster and conserves more of your hard tooth material, reducing patient stress. During your first visit, we will shape and prepare your teeth for bonding and determine the best color shade to match your natural tooth enamel. At your second visit, the veneers are placed and bonded with an adhesive. If necessary, adjustments can be made for comfort and fit.


porcelain veneers St. Petersburg FL have a translucent appearance similar to natural teeth and are resistant to staining. They require less removal of your tooth surface than crowns and are more aesthetically pleasing than bonding with advanced cosmetic dentistry.

The procedure can correct imperfections such as chips, stains, or gaps between the teeth. It can also lengthen the appearance of short or misshapen teeth. It can conceal cracks and discoloration caused by medications such as tetracycline or resin fillings. It can also repair crooked or chipped teeth that do not respond to whitening treatments.

The procedure can be completed in two or more visits to the dentist. During the first visit, the teeth are shaped and prepared for the veneers. Impressions of your teeth will be taken and sent to a lab where custom veneers are crafted. During the second appointment, the dentist will inspect the fit and shade of the veneers. Once the dentist is satisfied with the results he will cement them into place.


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