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Wearing black or bringing black-coloured things to auspicious and holy ceremonies is forbidden in several world sects. The colour black is said to promote negativity. Even in Hinduism, black threads are not used during religious ceremonies, but some rare events are seen to benefit from the hue. Black clothing absorbs bad energy and deflects all kinds of gloomy vibes. Because of this, black thread on ankle is still used today.

Wearing or tying the black thread around the body parts has several benefits. The importance of black thread is discussed in astrological writings. This idea is advantageous not just from an astrological and religious standpoint, but also from a scientific one.

Humans are shielded from evil energies by black thread. It protects one from bad vibes and gives one the chance to achieve in life. Every rite must be carried out while donning a black thread.

It is important to wear a black thread on the leg

Wearing a black thread on the leg is an ancient custom practised in many cultures. It is believed that wearing a black thread protects against bad luck and evil spirits. Some also believe that wearing a black thread makes them more attractive to others. Wearing a black thread on the leg has been worn by women for centuries as a symbol of empowerment. In this article, we will discuss all the important facts about wearing black thread on your feet. Tying a newborn baby's feet with a black thread is still a tradition in Western customs today. People believe that wearing this thread will protect the newborn baby from evil spirits. Wearing black thread has many more benefits.

On which leg to wear the black thread

According to astrology, tying a black thread on the left leg is considered very beneficial and protective, but a man should tie a black thread on his right leg on Tuesday.

This sadhana is said to be performed for both men and women depending on the zodiac sign. It is said that tying a thread on your left leg will help you in case of an accident or when you feel in danger.

who should not wear black thread

According to Vedic astrology, those born in Aries and Scorpio may have to face problems in life if they wear Kala Daga. Black thread is said to evoke a sense of restlessness and fear in these people. In addition, wearing the colour black can also lead to failure in their efforts. Therefore, people of these zodiac signs should refrain from wearing black thread, which not only magnifies the evil eye but also Saturn. According to astrology, the two zodiac signs favour the black thread.

Precautions when wearing black threads on legs

  • Wearing this thread after tying the 9 knots will protect you from all dangers.
  • Do not tie other threads to hands or feet that are tied with black, which is a colour other than black. The black thread should be tied at the right time. If you don't have the right amount of time, you can hire an experienced astrologer to do it.
  • Black colour is associated with the planet Saturn. For this reason, wearing a black thread weakens the zodiac sign, namely Shani, his dosha position.
  • The Gayatri Mantra should be chanted after being worn. This increases the effect, so you should always specify a specific time. Chant this mantra at the same time each day.
  • You can use fresh lemon black thread on the door of your house. This will prevent bad energy from entering your home.
  • Your little ones will also benefit from wearing black threads on their feet. In children with the lowest immunity, black threads strengthen the body's defences.