1. Business

Prochem: Delivering Quality Equipment and Services across various Industries

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Prochem Tapasya is well known for its contributions to pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, food, chemical, cosmetic, and other related industries as a one-stop solution provider for solid formulations and much more. Innumerable businesses in India and around the world have benefited greatly from its experience, which dates to 1962, in the areas of granulation, drying, milling, blending, micronizing, coating, and pelletizing. 


Values of Prochem Tapasya


Values are the guiding principles that reflect an organization`s internal behavior and its relationship with the external world. They reflect how the organization behaves towards its customers, suppliers, and internal community. We adhere to these values and they guide our decisions and actions.


  • Integrity- We illustrate genuineness and decency in each activity that we take. We accept doing what we say and saying what we do. In our connections with one another, with our clients, with the open we are always fair and reasonable.  


  • Ownership- We are responsible for our individual and collective commitments, performance, actions and decisions. We are responsible for continuously delivering value to our stakeholders, customers and partners.


  • Passion- We are rooted in the hearts of our employees and the company itself and driven by our desire to be the best for our customers. 


  • Achievement Orientation- We strive to achieve the highest level of performance in our activities with unremitting effort and tenacity in achieving our goals.


  • Adaptability- We continually redesign our thoughts and processes to improvise diversity, cultures, perspectives, and technologies, and always demonstrate a willingness to change, if a situation calls for to improve productivity , performance and service delivery.


  • Innovation- We are creatively committed to bringing value to our customers, shareholders, manufacturers, and communities. We anticipate change and create opportunities for the future. We strive to adapt and innovate quickly when opportunities arise that may offer compelling value to our customers.


  • Team Spirit- We develop and support diverse yet cohesive teams who work together to achieve common goals. We bring synergy to our work.


Services that we provide


We here at Prochem Tapasya provide a lot of different services and we try to provide our clients with the best possible solutions possible and each of those services that we provide have many different types so that our clients can choose the one which is suitable for them the most. So, the services that our company provide to our clients are as follows- 


  • Granulation- Granulation is the process of forming particles or granules from a powdered or solid substance to obtain a granular substance. 
  • Drying- It is a mass transfer process that removes water or other solvents from solids, semi-solids, or liquids by evaporation. 
  • Milling- Milling is a rotary milling process that removes material by feeding a milling cutter into the workpiece.
  • Blending- From a material phase perspective, blending is the process of mixing solids with solids, or mixing a bulk material with a small amount of liquid.
  • Material Handling- Material handling is short distance movement within a building or between a building and a transport vehicle.



We have customer focused unique culture and work with our best our ability to provide customized solutions for a variety of needs, from lab-scale production of a few grams to commercial-scale production of tons per day.