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Product of matrices

  1. Introduce the first-factor matrix A

  2. Enter the second-factor matrix or column vector B

  3. Matrix-vector multiplication

  4. Multiplication of a matrix by a vector can be found using the service of matrix multiplication

(The first factor will be this matrix, the second factor will be the column consisting of the elements of this vector).

inverse matrix

  • Enter the matrix A for which you want to find the inverse

  • Get an answer with a detailed solution for finding the inverse matrix

  • The determinant of a matrix

This is an online service in one step :

  • Enter the matrix A for which you want to find the determinant of the matrix

  • Matrix transpose

  • Here you can track the matrix transposition algorithm and learn how to solve such problems yourself.

This is an online service in one step :

  • Enter the matrix A to be transposed

  • Matrix rank

This is an online service in one step :

  • Enter the matrix A for which you want to find the rank

  • Matrix eigenvalues and matrix eigenvectors

This is an online service in one step :

  • Enter the matrix A for which you want to find eigenvectors and eigenvalues (eigenvalues)

  • Exponentiation of a matrix

  1. Enter the matrix A to be raised to the power

  2. Enter integer q – degree

  3. Raising a matrix to a negative power

  4. To see the result of raising the matrix A to a negative power of q, you need to use the same service “raising a matrix to a power”, the only q will be a negative integer.

Reducing a matrix to triangular form

This calculator returns a matrix scaled to an upper triangular view and a lower triangular view

Go to “triangular matrix view”.

Sum of matrices

This is an online two-step addition service :

  • Introduce the first term of the matrix A

  • Introduce the second term of the matrix B

  • Multiplying a Matrix by a Number

This is an online multiplication service in two steps :

  • Introduce the first-factor matrix A

  • Introduce the second-factor q

  • Subtraction of matrices

This is an online service in three steps :

  • Introduce the first matrix to subtract A

  • Introduce the second matrix from which B is subtracted

  • After that, you will get a detailed solution with the result of the subtraction of matrices

online calculators

Matrix calculator for solving matrices step by step with a sequence of solving, free online. For all calculations, explanations and links to the required theory are provided.

Manual input field for mathematical expression for operations with matrices

The matrix calculator allows you to perform matrix multiplication, addition and subtraction of matrices, find the rank, calculate the determinant, transpose the matrix, find the inverse matrix, and also perform other operations with matrices.

Our calculator will help you perform mathematical operations with matrices or check your own calculations.

Most first-year students, regardless of major, study linear algebra. One way or another, they have to work with matrices, for example, calculate its determinant. It is not difficult to do this manually if the matrix is small, but otherwise, the calculations become very cumbersome and time-consuming – you have to take into account many values, in which it is easy to get confused, it becomes necessary to quickly check the results. To solve the problem, a specialized program called – a “Matrix calculator” will help you.

1) Calculation of the determinant;

2) Matrix multiplication;

3) Transposition;

4) Multiplication by a number;

5) Addition and subtraction of matrices.

Matrix calculator description

Using the matrix calculator, you will be able to perform the required matrix calculations, resulting in the required answer and a detailed sequence of the solution. Matrix Calculator allows you to perform operations with one matrix or solve complex expressions with several matrices at once.

For matrix elements, put values in fields and click the corresponding button.

Use the plus and minus keys to select the desired die size. Leave unnecessary cells empty, if you need a non-square matrix. 

Enter the value of the matrix elements into the cells. 

Click on the button with the name of the desired mathematical operation or in manual mode enter the mathematical expression in the special field.

The values in the solution results can be dragged to different fields using the mouse. For example, the resulting matrix can be dragged onto the input data field for further solution.

With this calculator, you can: get the determinant of a matrix, its rank, raise it to a power, find the sum and product of matrices, calculate the inverse of the matrix. For matrix elements, enter the fields and click the corresponding button.

For matrix multiplication, try an online matrix multiplication calculator for easy solutions.


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