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A solicitor will understand the law and be able to help you through the process. They can also take the stress out of the case, allowing you to concentrate on recovery.

If the person responsible for your accident cannot be traced or is uninsured, you may still be able to claim compensation from the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB). See below for further details.


There are a number of different compensation types available to victims of cycling accidents. Some of these include medical expenses, lost earnings, and pain and suffering. Victims can also receive compensation for damaged personal property. The amount of compensation will depend on the severity of the victim’s injuries and other losses that have been incurred.

When a cyclist sustains severe injuries in an accident, they may need to undergo multiple surgeries and follow-up appointments. This can lead to expensive medical bills that can put a financial strain on the victim and their family. In addition, the victim may not be able to work due to their injuries, leading to a loss of wages.

Damages for emotional distress are another type of injury that can be awarded to cycling accident victims. These damages are designed to compensate victims for the mental trauma and emotional anguish they have suffered as a result of their injuries. Emotional stress can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including fear, anxiety, and depression. A doctor can evaluate these symptoms and provide a medical report that will help to support a claim for emotional stress damages.

A cyclist might be able to make a claim for damages against a governmental entity if they were injured as a result of dangerous roadway conditions. This is not as easy as suing a private individual and requires the assistance of a lawyer to determine whether a municipality was negligent in creating or failing to maintain safe road conditions. The process will often involve evaluating video evidence and the duration that the unsafe condition existed.

Moreover, Cycling accident solicitors can help to pursue a claim against organisers of cycling events, such as sportives, for their failure to check the routes of the event before it took place. This is particularly relevant if the route had not been checked for hazards such as flooding and dangerous road surfaces that could have been identified and rectified before the event.

It is important to consult specialist cycling accident solicitors as soon as possible after a bicycle accident, as they can assess the strength of your case and recommend the best course of action. They will be able to provide you with the advice and support that you need to get the compensation you deserve.

Medical expenses

Medical expenses are an important part of a compensation claim following a cycling accident. These may include hospital bills, prescription medications, physical therapy, and more. The amount of medical expenses covered can also vary depending on the severity of your injuries.

For example, more serious injuries such as fractures or road rash may require a longer stay in the hospital and more expensive medical treatment. Moreover, they may require surgery or rehabilitation. In severe cases, cyclists may even lose limbs. This is often life changing and requires expensive prosthetics.

Some injuries incurred by cyclists can also lead to additional costs like transportation, in-home care, or other incidental expenses. They can also result in lost income, which is important to consider when seeking compensation for your injuries.

Lastly, some cycling accidents can cause damage to personal property, which can lead to replacement or repair costs. In such cases, you can also seek compensation for your property damages.

If you have been injured in a cycling accident, it is important to document your injuries and take photos of your bike and any other damaged items. You should also save any receipts related to your injuries and medical treatment as well as any other evidence that could support your claim such as police reports, witness statements, and so on. You should also keep all of your clothes (even if bloody) unwashed and document everything you remember from the crash. You can use these documents to prove your case if necessary and help you get maximum compensation.

Loss of earnings

Cycling is a popular sport and form of transport for people across the UK. Some people ride bikes for work, others use them to get around town, and some ride as a way of keeping fit. However, accidents can occur when cycling as a result of the negligence of other road users or drivers. Depending on the nature of the accident, it may be possible to claim compensation for various expenses and losses.

In cases where the defendant admits liability and a medical report has been obtained, it may be possible to agree on a settlement for the full amount of damages within a few months. In more complex cases, where there are disagreements over the extent of injuries or blame, it may take up to a year to reach a full settlement. Nevertheless, our cycle accident solicitors are experienced in this field and will ensure that you receive the maximum amount of compensation possible for your injuries and losses.

We understand the physical, emotional and financial impact of a serious cycling injury and are here to help you get back on your feet. We will assess your case and provide a list of medical experts to support your claim. We will also calculate your future loss of earnings and take into account any additional costs you may have incurred, such as travel expenses.

In severe injury claims, it is also possible to secure additional payments called ‘special damages’. These are tailored payments that can be used to cover additional expenses, such as the cost of specialist care, equipment and adaptations to your home. These payments are dependent on individual circumstances and can range from a few thousand pounds to millions of pounds.

Visit Website: https://www.united-solicitors.co.uk/road-traffic-accident-claims/

In fatal accidents, it is possible to seek compensation for the loss of a loved one. This can include funeral expenses, loss of companionship, loss of earnings and other benefits. We can also secure compensation for dependants if the deceased person was a parent or child.

Pain and suffering

Pain and suffering is a form of non-economic damages that covers the physical discomfort, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life and other negative effects caused by your injuries. These are personal and subjective damages, meaning they are difficult to quantify. It is important to work with a cycling accident solicitor as soon as possible so they can assess your needs and provide an estimate of the amount you should receive in compensation during settlement.

When it comes to proving pain and suffering, the more documented evidence that you have, the better. It is important to keep a diary of your symptoms and include your medical records. It is also a good idea to see a therapist and get official documentation of the psychological impact that your injury has had on you.

For example, if you’ve been injured in an accident that resulted in you no longer enjoying your favourite hobbies, such as dancing or cycling, then you may be entitled to claim for this. You might also be able to claim for emotional distress, loss of companionship and the inability to perform tasks that you used to be able to.

The law also considers that your injuries may have a long-term effect on your life, and therefore, the amount of pain and suffering you are likely to experience in the future is taken into account as well as the pain you’ve already endured. This includes feelings of depression, anxiety and shock including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Sleep disorders, appetite problems, sexual dysfunction, mood swings and a lack of energy are also considered to be forms of mental pain and suffering.

A reputable cycling accident solicitor will be able to help you calculate the value of your case and will take all of these factors into consideration. They will also look at your pre-existing injuries to make sure that the accident wasn’t actually responsible for the current pain and suffering you’re experiencing. This is an effective strategy because adjusters will try to discredit your claim by stating that your injuries could have been caused by previous accidents or illnesses.

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