Invistics's articles

  Invistics, the leading provider of cloud-based software solutions that improve inventory visibility and analytics across complex healthcare systems and global supply chains, announced the publication of its groundbreaking scientific study, “Detecting Drug Diversion in Health System Data using Machine Learning and Advanced Analytics,” in the latest edition of the peer-reviewed American Journal of Health-System […]
People who work in the manufacturing industry may have more experience with supply chain management, but healthcare systems’ supply chains are a matter of life and death, especially when drug diversion prevention programs aren’t implemented across the whole system. Most health systems have very complex supply chains for controlled substances, expensive oncology drugs…even drugs in […]
As any health care leader can attest, the stress of COVID-19, clinical staffing shortages, and burnout have taken a measurable toll on hospitals, impacting operations and patients in unforeseen ways, from elective-surgery scheduling postponements to prolonged emergency department wait times. Ratios of clinicians to patients are becoming even more strained. Retirements, staff layoffs stemming from […]


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