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We appear to be on the precipice of conflict with Russia, so I decided to create lemonade and write a lighthearted article about Cold war propaganda. What began as a lighthearted approach to an email suddenly turned into a self-reflective and existential moment of dread.

For context, have you ever visited our website’s homepage?
‘The marketing environment is littered with rogues and renegades,’ it states brazenly. ‘With pushers and pretenders. With pricey sellers of subpar results and price-cutting peddlers of ineffectual rubbish.’
Crickey, I mused. Language like that wouldn’t be out of place in a Soviet manifesto.
But hold on — things get worse. We’ve witnessed it. We’ve disputed it. We’ve set the whole bloody place on fire.’
What the hell?

Bloody Marketing, it would appear, is a national superpower hellbent on ridding the world of poor marketing. It brazenly promotes its ideas of honest and decency work in an effort to assist SMEs get their fair share of the pie continue reading…

We offer a full-service outsourced marketing solution at Bloody Marketing, which means we handle almost everything. Contact us today!


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