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The cacophony and hype of AI-based writing tools is already quite high in the market and the writers have already started thinking they will be replaced soon. However, AI-based tools are not a threat to the professional writer as it is more like an ally that can be used to create more creative content with efficiency and effectiveness.

Whether AI press release writing is a feasible and reliable choice or not, greatly depends on the advantages and disadvantages it provides for the writers. A better look at the pros and cons of AI-based writing tools can offer a better understanding of the matter.

Pros of AI Press Release Writing

1. Speed

Writing a good-quality press release can take much time to craft as it requires a fair amount of research and expertise. The best part of AI-based tools is that they can create a huge amount of content within a short span of time, sometimes in less than a minute. It is definitely not the ideal content but it surely offers a compelling draft to start with.

2. No Writer’s Block

Artificial Intelligence does not have any writer’s block and so, there is never a lack of content. You can always generate headers, keywords, or a compelling lead for the PR with the help of a tool. In case you are uninspired and having block; AI writers can help you out.

3. Cost-efficient

One of the biggest advantages of AI-based press release generators is that they are cost-effective and therefore, you will always have better ROI on whatever you send. While PR content creation can cost you a lot when there is a high demand. But, such AI tools can work seamlessly and can create thousands of content in a single day, with the right use of prompts. So, create content without breaking the bank.

4. Improved SEO

AI-based PR generators can also help to improve SEO initiatives by helping in finding relevant and more effective keywords in the market. It helps to generate SO-optimized meta titles and descriptions and also provides on-page optimization suggestions that can help rank better on the result pages.

Cons of AI Press Release Writing

1. Lack of Originality

Though there are many advantages, AI-based writing tools are not capable of offering original and accurate content with 0 plagiarism. The AIs work on the content that is already available in the market and therefore, it is unable to generate fresh ideas. The AI bots can thrive for accuracy but they are unable to double-check the facts. So, the authenticity of content is greatly compromised by using an AI for the task.

2. No Personality and Organic Essence

Artificial Intelligence based tools lack human creativity and it has no personality. Without human-like feelings, it is unable to understand the tone, mood, or expression of the sentence as it only breaks down things based on their meaning. Whether the PR content is flat or inspiring for the audiences is never predicted by an AI. These tools lack the organic essence that makes a writing piece more unique, relatable, and engaging. Having a particular voice and tone is highly important to establish your brand value. However, AI writers and unaware of that. That is why AI-generated content does not always resonate with the audience.

3. Prone to Bias

Just like human preferences, AI-based tools also have a bias as they learn from a large database. Such databases can be biased based on based on the perspectives and demographics of the data they are trained on. It means the tools unintentionally favor certain perspectives, persons, stereotypes, and other concepts. An AI knows only what it is thought and that bias is noticeable in its content generation as well.

Final Words

After having a better look at both sides, it is evident that AI-based writing tools for creating press releases are a great idea and perfectly trendy considering the hype in the market. However, it still requires ample human input since the tools are not completely error-free. It is recommended to hire a professional PR writer or an agency full of writers who can help you quickly, effectively, and organically.


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