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Protecting Your Child From Eye Problems

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How to protect kids from eyesight problems | Parenting News - The ...

These are specific ways how you can protect your child from any eye issues:

  • Teach your child to practice proper hygiene. Children touch different things all day. The things they touch contain bacteria that are transferred over to their hands. Remind your child to wash his hands before he touches his eyes using them. This training might take time since some kinds unconsciously wipe their eyes with bare hands. But trust your child and be patient in teaching him. This lesson will keep him safe from eye infections. 
  • Clean his glasses regularly. When your child reaches an age when he can do this independently, you must also start educating him on the proper way of cleaning his glasses. 
  • Replace his contacts regularly. Overused contact lenses can cause eye infections and irritation. 
  • Invest in sports glasses if your child enjoys playing sports or outdoor games. Even if not many parents appreciate the protection that sports glasses provide, it is a good idea to try them yourself. In sports, quick movements can’t be avoided. These movements can injure the eyes of your child. However, protective eyewear can reduce the impact or completely protect him from an eye injury. 
  • Buy a pair of sunglasses for him. This will protect your child specifically against the harmful effects of the UV rays coming from the sun. 

Any sign of an eye problem should warrant a visit to your eye clinic Oxnard, CA for proper medical attention. Make an appointment today.


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