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If you are experiencing gradual hair-loss, Hair Thinning, or baldness, Platelet Rich Plasma therapy or PRP hair loss treatment can be an effective and very popular technique to restore natural and beautiful hairs. This is a non-surgical procedure and has delivered a promising outcome. During PRP hair treatment, healing platelets are extracted from the blood and then injected to the treated area of the scalp resulting in the stimulation of new hairs. (Information Credit: https://wanthair.co.uk/fue-hair-transplants/prp)

Candidates for PRP Hair Treatment

 It is very important to consult with an experienced doctor to determine if the PRP hair therapy is suitable for the patient. Candidates with the following cases should ignore this treatment:

  • Any medical condition that conflicts with this treatment
  • The individual is on blood thinners
  • The individual who is a frequent smoker
  • The candidate is alcoholic

PRP Hair Treatment Overview

For the past few years, PRP hair treatment has become a very popular therapy to restore natural and healthy hairs. As the name depicts, a high concentration of platelets is collected from blood samples and then injected to the bald region of the scalp. This procedure stimulates the healing procedure to the affected area by the formation of fresh blood vessels. Not only the people with hair loss can have this treatment, but also the patients with a hair transplant can avail of this treatment to ensure improved hair growth. This procedure includes a collection of 30-40cc blood from the patient and then the required platelet-rich plasma is acquired from the same. The platelet-rich plasma is then injected to the scalp of the patient that needs to be treated for favourable results. The requirement of platelet-rich plasma is usually 5 times potential than that of normal platelet count of the body.

PRP hair Treatment Procedure

PRP hair therapy is a 3 step process as follows

  • Blood Extraction – the procedure starts with extracting 30-40cc blood from the arm of the patient and put into a centrifuge machine to acquire the required concentration of plasma. The required platelet count is 1.5-3 lakhs. The required plasma is separated from the blood by a centrifuge machine and then goes through a spinning process to separate rich and poor plasma.
  • Plasma Concentration Determination – Centrifugation machine separates the blood in three entities i.e. platelet-rich plasma, platelet-poor plasma, and red blood cells. As soon as the requirement of plasma is completed, the platelets are concentrated amounting to 5 times the platelets contained by the body. The RPM configuration ensures to deliver 10 lakhs/ml platelet counts.
  • Platelet Check & PRP Injection – The platelet concentration is checked by a machine called an auto-analyzer and the concentrated platelets are injected into the treated areas of the scalp. This is the final process of PRP therapy.

The Function of PRP Treatment

PRP treatment stimulates the body cells and speeds up the regeneration process. The combination of stem cells and growth factors contributes to control and reverse the hair loss issue. There is a chance of increased hair thickness with multiple PRP sessions.

PRP Treatment Sessions

PRP hair loss treatment requires at least three sessions with six to eight weeks intervals to deliver the best results. Every four to six months interval, follow-up sessions are required. PRP hair therapy is not a substitute for hair transplantation and only effective for Norwood scale baldness. This process only delivers improvement in hair thickness, reducing the frequency of hair loss. Repeated sessions are required every two to three months to sustain potential results, violating which the results can be otherwise.

Advantages of PRP Therapy

  • The hair growth factor is stimulated
  • Expedite healing is induced
  • Temporary resolution to prevent hair-loss
  • The thickness of the hair is improved
  • Multiple sessions are required to acquire the best results
  • Perfect hair treatment for the existing hair thinning issues

Disadvantages of PRP Therapy

  • This treatment doesn’t support the regeneration of new hairs
  • This treatment differs completely from hair restoration
  • This treatment doesn’t offer a permanent solution to baldness
  • The results of this treatment are not scientifically confirmed yet
  • A single session is not enough to acquire the best results
  • This treatment only delivers the best results for NW-I, II cases for hair-loss

Eligibility for PRP Hair Treatment

Since the decision to go for hair transplantation should not be determined in the early phase, any candidate facing hair thinning or early phase of male pattern baldness can be the perfect candidate for this therapy. The following criteria determine the suitable candidates for PRP hair therapy:

  • Candidates suffering from Norwood scale baldness
  • Candidates suffering from hair thinning
  • Candidate suffering from the primary phase of hair loss
  • The candidate is too young to go for hair transplantation surgery

However, any candidate facing tremendous hair-loss, hair thinning, or permanent baldness, a hair transplant can only deliver the permanent solution. Want Hair Ltd in the UK offers expert counselling and treatment for effective hair loss issues.

PRP Hair Therapy Essentials

  • The centrifuge machine should deliver proper RPM Speed
  • The centrifugation process must separate the platelets into rich and poor plasma properly
  • The implementation of an Auto analyzer machine is a must before injecting the platelets to the treated area
  • Local anaesthetic or the potential substitute to be applied to avert any discomfort

PRP Post Therapy Side-effects

Candidates may experience several side-effects including itching, headache, scalp tenderness, swelling, bleeding, or temporary discomfort after the treatment and recommended to be in touch with the doctor to avert the same.

PRP hair therapy is a very convenient hair loss treatment that requires few hours of therapy under local anaesthetic. This is overall a painless treatment, though some sensitivity may occur. The recovery period is not easy to estimate, though candidates are all allowed to resume their daily routine immediately after the therapy. Avoiding any dyes or chemicals is strictly advised. PRP therapy stimulates hair growth for the next four to six weeks and required sessions once every three months. PRP therapy sessions every six to 12 months can ensure potential results.


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