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Qualities that make for a good yoga instructor

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Many people opt to become yoga instructors, oftentimes by taking yoga teacher training online. However, there are many yoga students who have considered undergoing yoga teacher teacher training in India, but aren’t sure if this career path is right for them. While there is certainly a difference between a student who’s passionate about yoga and a full-fledged instructor, both share a passionate interest in yoga, meditation and advancing their practice. To help determine whether or not yoga teacher training is right for you, here are some of the qualities that make for a good yoga instructor.

Someone Who Lives and Breathes Yoga — If you wake up in the morning and the first thing you think about is heading off to a class, then you might just be a perfect candidate for yoga teacher training. Yoga teachers share a deep and universal love for their practice. They say that those who do what they love will never work a day in their lives. If yoga is your passion, a career as an instructor could be perfect.

Someone Who Want To Help People — In the media, yoga has gotten the reputation of being nothing more than a mere workout. However, passionate yogis know that this is simply not the case. Yoga has been known to treat a wide array of physical and psychological ailments, from depression to physical injuries to insomnia and more. Those who feel that it is their calling to help people would be happy in a position as a yoga instructor. As a

, you’ll not only help your students to advance their practice, but to deal with issues that they have been struggling with in their lives.


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