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Have you been wondering how to make your recess more fun? We have got the answer. Rainy day recess games: Add something new and exciting games to the curriculum! Discover joy and engaging recess activities for your preschoolers and kindergartners.

When it rains, recess can be a drag. But with suitable games, it can be a blast! Here are some reasons to include rainy day recess games that will add new and exciting fun to the curriculum!

Why should you include recess games in your school's curriculum?

  • Playing recess is a fun and engaging activity that helps students learn. Including recess games in your school's curriculum is important because they provide something new and exciting while assisting students in staying focused during the academic day.
  • Using recess games is one of the best ways to get students excited about learning. The benefits of recess games for schools include increased participation, attentiveness, and improved confidence and self-esteem.
  • School recess can be the perfect chance to add fun games to your school's curriculum. With recess, students can use their bodies and minds in an active, creative way that reinforces brain development, problem solving and teamwork.
  • Your child needs to have the opportunity to burn off energy and enjoy recess. They'll make better choices, pay more attention in class, and have more fun. The benefits of using games during recess time are listed below. Stay tuned to know!

Benefits of incorporating rainy day recess games:

  • Studies have found that rainy day recess games allow children to have fun and interact with each other outside of class. It also helps children to work on their physical coordination skills and improve their motor skills over time.
  • When you add rainy day recess games to the curriculum, students are given a new way to explore their world, organize and think through complex problems in the classroom, and make connections between what they learn in school and the real world. Students also gain new skills that will help them make adjustments as adults.
  • Rainy day recess games are a fun, dynamic way to teach students. The games engage your ears and eyes by providing a listening experience with the hands and body. They also offer opportunities for new skills development, such as listening and sorting through objects, for children who are tactile learners.
  • Play an extra game or two on rainy days. These games are high-energy and fun! They'll bring life to your recess routine while providing valuable learning experiences.

Tips for choosing recess games suitable to different age groups of students: 

Before planning a new recess game for your students, consider the following tips. These suggestions will help you create a fun and exciting activity that will enhance learning: 

  1. Reading level: particularly for younger students, slow readers may seem unable to keep up with the faster players during recess or may get frustrated by sitting out from playing. 
  2. Weather/time of day: some games may be more challenging when participants have limited access outside because they need to remain indoors during bad weather conditions. 
  3. Gender: if no single gender predominates, have them draw lots to break it up into male and female groups so that boys and girls can play together! 

If you have the opportunity to have your students participate in rainy day recess games, you can choose from various games depending on your students' age from our recess kit and programs.