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However, it is crucial for mobile app development agencies, especially users, to get educated about those changes and their significant impacts on our lives.

In contrast, here's a complete short, yet essential guide to understanding the ongoing mobile app development trends and how those trends have revolutionized the mobile app development industry. 

Crucial ranking factors for App development

Adoption Functionality and Impact are three things that are enough to judge any mobile app's ranking parameters.

Once you get a brief about these factors, you can comprehensively conclude at which stage the apps stand and what the future looks like.

  • Adoption

It is the initial stage of any app's ranking factor. Here analysts track how many people or enterprises have downloaded the app and whether it has been serving well within its purpose.

  • Functionality

This segment is the mid-way yet essential parameter of any app's ranking.

The analyst here checks whether the features included have turned out to be groundbreaking or game changers.

  • Impact

The last and most influential segment determines an app's impact on other technologies, ecosystems, apps, and devices. Whether the app developers have hit the jackpot or there's still space for improvements.

Top mobile app development trends 2023!

Now that we have decided on the crucial ranking factors for app development, it's time we dive into top mobile app development trends in 2023 and see which technological prospects are dominating ranking-wise.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The last two decade of the digital sector belongs to Artificial Intelligence or AI.

Most businesses today, including app development companies, have significantly leveraged and still expanding AI to improve their business operations and product compatibility massively.

Regarding app development, AI has been utilized in multiple ways to improve performance and engagement.

Whether chatbots, voice assistance, virtual product tour, AI-driven mail, or any other segment, brands are enjoying the benefits of AI and ML algorithms to boost their app's credibility and user base.

  • Adoption

AI has made its way into millions of mobile applications on the backend or directly as a product. Every mobile device has at least one AI-powered app, making it a complete and reliable solution.

  • Functionality

AI is the king of the digital marketplace at the moment, and to stay atop it has brought all possible changes in its functionalities and configurations.

In 2023, you will see more personalized features in ECommerce and other AI-based apps.

  • Impact

Since its arrival, AI has transformed all industries upside down, improving their UI and back end with much better flexibility and use cases.

So the impact of AI is on the high side and will remain so for a more extended period.


Blockchain technology like AI and ML has wholly revolutionized the digital industry upside down. However, it hasn't been able to grasp a robust grip like those two in the app industry.

But due to its decentralized and security offerings, it has emerged as the prominent factor in the app development segments.

For instance, millions of users lose their sensitive data to hackers yearly due to security vulnerabilities.

However, if organizations opt for restricted DLT for storing small amounts of user data, they can avoid those hackings and improve their app security by many folds.

Blockchain is indeed a reliable alternative when it comes to data security.

Since a central authority has a weak grip on a decentralized ledger, enabling a blockchain-based solution is a primitive way of winning consumer trust for companies.

  • Adoption

Be it Cryptocurrency, Gaming, or finance apps, Blockchain has ensured a firm grip over such complex areas, making it a vital prospect of any mobile app development.

  • Functionality

Blockchain is the most advanced form of data security technology, which has comprehensively transformed software, finance, and healthcare security compliance, making it reliable and robust from every angle.

  • Impact

Blockchain will specifically transform mobile apps into dApps, and span entire ecosystems that function in different ways, fundamentally than traditional systems.


Innovation comes with unlimited possibilities. Since 4G burst out of the scene and started to dominate the market, the inclusion and implementation of 5G have started with it.

After a long wait (closer to a decade), 5G finally arrived in 2023 and is ready to roll the market quickly and accurately.

5G connectivity will primarily significantly boost download and upload speeds, boost bandwidth, improve latency, etc.

Experts say it will open up many possibilities for app developers worldwide to utilize its accuracy and improve their mobile app development segment.

  • Adoption

With 510 million new users ready to sign up for 5G in 2023, it is already taking shape globally with large numbers. But it all depends on its performance which will decide its future.

  • Functionality

5G will help apps with faster internet connectivity, ensuring better connectivity, higher bandwidth, and significantly reliable connections.

  • Impact

If 5G delivers what it promised, then the impact will be huge. It will facilitate IoT and real-time apps with better connectivity and productive performance.

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT stands for Internet of Things – a network of physical devices or ‘things' interconnected via the internet. Over the years, the difference between average and better in the digital service-providing segment via mobile apps has been the difference.

Calling or booking a cab online, ordering food, and turning on the living room lights via apps and smart fitness apps are all primary examples of IoT devices we use daily.

The appeal of IoT comes down to not just the individual devices, but the network's capacity built when these devices come together.

  • Adoption

Experts have predicted that more than 30 billion IoT devices will be expected to be around in 2025. So by this number, you can assume its adoption rate.

  • Functionality

IoT enables mobile apps and has enhanced human interaction with smart devices giving us centralized control over primary aspects of our lives that previously weren't digitized.

  • Impact

We are already using and have gone addicted to IoT-enabled apps. So talking about impact, it's on the higher side and continuously increasing.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing for mobile apps helps store extensive data, enables quick data processing, protects proprietary software, and ensures high-end data security, making it the center of priority for mobile app development.

As apps continue dominating the digital space and functionality, running them natively on user devices becomes difficult.

This is where cloud computing comes to the rescue, as it frees apps from being tied to the limitations of native devices.

The best part is cloud computing ensures the right balance of a mobile app's performance, speed, and user-friendliness.

  • Adoption

Cloud computing has become a preeminent prospect in every small, mid, and large-scale industry. So in terms of adaptability, it is on the higher side with a rapidly increasing user base every moment.

  • Functionality

The cloud is the storage and computational hub for apps, allowing them to focus on security and optimization on a single point in the network while distributing its benefits.

  • Impact

The integration of cloud computing in mobile app development has streamlined and encouraged seamless access to server-based software services anytime and anywhere.


Mobile apps have become an integral and crucial part of our daily hustling lives.

Whether cab or hotel booking, food ordering, ration delivery, or other essential shopping, now we have apps for everything which are touching numerous aspects of our lives that we would never previously have imagined to be digitized.

And why not? The mobile app development landscape continuously evolves to new trends and technology, bringing all the best possible changes for our betterment.

If you plan to develop your next mobile app with any of the above technology, Metizsoft Solution, a reliable mobile app development company, is your one-stop destination.

We have the advanced tool and expertise in our inventory, where you can expect high-end mobile app development that matches your unique business requirements.