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Reaching 20,000 meters underground

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Original Title: Reaching 20,000 Meters Underground, Wave Drilling Technology Developed by US Company, Ready to Steal Geothermal Energy The energy on the earth is not unlimited, especially the fossil energy which is widely used now belongs to non-renewable energy, and one day these disposable energy will be exhausted. If that day really comes, will the human race perish? American economist Sal Roberts has assumed that human resources will not be exhausted, because once a resource is in short supply, the price will rise, and when the threshold is reached, human beings will try to find other substitutes in various ways. Take the two industrial revolutions as an example. In the first industrial revolution, people began to use coal extensively. After realizing the high pollution and low efficiency of coal, they began to use oil and electricity in the second industrial revolution. Coal and oil are both fossil energy sources, which are the remains of ancient organisms that have evolved underground for tens of millions of years. However, these energy sources are ultimately the energy of the earth, and the real surging energy is hidden under the surface. Expand the full text For example, tsunamis and earthquakes,mining dth bit, they are the earth's internal release of excessive energy, if human beings can use these energy for their own use, then we will completely solve the problem of energy crisis. If we want to develop geothermal energy, we have to look down. Quaise Energy, a start-up technology company in the United States, is developing a wave drilling technology that allows the drill to penetrate 20,overburden drilling systems,000 meters below the surface, the Daily Mail reported. The deepest wells drilled so far are the Odoptu OP-11 well at 12345 meters, the Ashoshin well at 12289 meters, and finally the Kola ultra-deep borehole at 12389 meters. It can be found that their depths are hovering around 12000 meters, while the radius of the earth is 6371 kilometers, which is less than one sixth of the radius of the earth, which can only be said to have just moved the earth. Without exception, the fundamental reason for the inability to continue drilling downward is that the strength of the drill bit is too weak, as can be seen from several accidents in Kola's ultra-deep drilling: Construction was officially started in 1970, and it went smoothly before 7000 meters, but when it came to a hollow area, the drill pipe was twisted and stuck, Borehole Drill Bits ,dth hammer bit, and the drill bit fell off when it was lifted again. Such accidents were repeated several times. In 1983, when a depth of 12066 meters was reached, the drill pipe broke again and had to be restarted from a depth of 7000 meters. The above examples are only relatively large accidents. Other small accidents of overheating and wear of drill bits are common. This is mainly due to the fact that the deeper the formation is, the greater the rock density is. The friction between the drill bit and the rock for a long time will cause the drill bit to become hotter and hotter and even collapse. Every time the drill bit is replaced, the drill pipe must be lifted first and then drilled down, or even re-drilled, resulting in very low efficiency. For a long time, people have been trying to superimpose the hardness of drill bits, but no matter how traditional metals are innovated, there will be no major breakthrough in hardness. But Quaise Energy's drill is very different this time. Previous drills have gained depth by breaking up rock and bringing it out of the hole, but Quaise Energy's drill is a microwave drill that does not directly contact the rock. It uses a cyclotron to emit high-power millimeter waves to melt and evaporate the rock in front of it and travel downward. Because it is not in direct contact with the rock, it is easier to dissipate heat, which greatly increases the durability of the wave drill. Quaise Energy Technologies, which has received $40 million in funding, said in its plan that it would launch the application of millimeter wave technology in 2024, mix it with mechanical drill bits for drilling experiments, and officially start drilling in 2026 to obtain electricity and develop unlimited energy. So what is the energy source under the surface that is so attractive? The earth is composed of three parts: the crust, the mantle and the core. The average thickness of the crust is 17 kilometers. After passing through the crust to the mantle, there is an asthenosphere with a thickness of about 180 meters. It is mainly composed of molten rocks at 700 ℃ -1300 ℃. The magma erupted from the surface volcanoes comes from here. But most of the Earth's energy comes from the core, which is made up of liquid iron and nickel, so Quaise Energy's drill is neither in the core nor in the mantle, but in the crust. What energy is there here? The higher the height above the earth's surface, the lower the temperature will be. The greater the depth below the earth's surface, the higher the temperature will be. That is to say, the more underground it will be hotter. According to the calculation of 2 degrees Celsius per 100 meters, when it reaches the depth of 20 kilometers, the surrounding temperature has reached 400 degrees Celsius. The critical temperature of water evaporation is 374 degrees Celsius, so the high temperature here will continuously provide energy. So is geothermal really infinite? Of course, it is not, but it is infinite for human beings. According to the calculation, the heat energy of the whole earth exceeds 1 × 10 ^ 19 TJ. In 2018, the coal consumption of the earth is 8 billion tons. According to this standard, the heat energy of the earth can be used by human beings for 62 billion years. The life span of the sun is only about 5 billion years, and the earth can no longer live in 5 billion years, so for human beings, the earth's resources are indeed infinite. However, wave drilling technology has also caused a lot of controversy. Some scientists believe that drilling 20 kilometers underground will affect local geological stability and trigger a series of geological disasters and chain reactions. Other scientists believe that 20 kilometers is just a tickle for the earth, and it can also provide sufficient research data for the study of strata. Return to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor: (function() { function getBrandHtml() { var brands = [],dth button bits, html = ”; for(var i = 0; i < brands.length; i++) { var brand = brands[i]; if(brands.length i+1) { html+= ‘‘+brand.name+'‘; } else { html+= ‘‘+brand.name+'、'; } } return html; }; if(document.getElementById(‘linkBtn')){ document.getElementById(‘linkBtn').onclick = function() { $(‘#brands').removeClass(‘brand');$ ( ‘# tipInfo').text ( ‘Real name responded'); $ (‘#linkBtn').remove();$ (‘.real-response .content').css(‘line-height', '20px');$ (‘.real-response .time').css(‘line-height', '20px'); }; document.getElementById(‘brands').innerHTML = getBrandHtml(); }; })();。 wt-dthtools.com

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