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According to a study from Buildfire, 49% of smartphone users open an application over 11 times a day. Therefore, it is important for companies to create and develop mobile apps that customers will want to download and frequently use. There are many different frameworks that app development teams can choose from. One of these frameworks is React Native. In this article, we will go into more detail about what React Native is and what its benefits are.

What is React Native?

React Native is an open-source software framework that has been used to develop apps for platforms like Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows. The system was developed by Meta but has seen usage in various industries. React Native uses JavaScript to perform the coding.

Benefits of Using React Native

There are many benefits to using React Native to code. These benefits will be explained in more detail below.

1. Saves Time and Money

One reason why app developers should use React Native is that it can help save time and money. React Native makes it easy for app developers to use the same code for both iOS and Android apps. Therefore, app developers do not have to spend as much time and effort on the project. App developers can also perform maintenance on both versions of the app, so it is less likely that the company will lose revenue from buggy performances.

2. Improves Performance

Another benefit of using the React Native framework is that it can improve the application’s performance. React Native can help improve app performance since the framework is optimized for mobile devices.

3. Increases Flexibility

Another benefit of using React Native is that it can increase flexibility. Developers can easily pick up where another developer left off. This can make it easier for an app to be completed on time. Apps developed by React Native perform the same across different types of devices.


Companies can greatly benefit from using React Native to help them develop mobile apps. If businesses do not have an in-house app development team, they can hire the services of a React Native app development company. Managers can find these companies by reading online reviews and testimonials and selecting an agency that has served clients like them in the past.

Zorbis is a renowned React Native app development company. Zorbis has developed mobile apps for companies of all sizes and industries. In addition to mobile app design, Zorbis also specializes in website design and digital marketing solutions. To learn more about Zorbis, visit https://www.zorbis.com/ to schedule a meeting with a team of skilled React Native app developers.



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