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At present, drones have become mechanical devices often seen in people's lives and are widely used in various fields. It can even be used in some unique places, such as tourism, emergency rescue, and sailboat shooting. In recent years, online short videos have emerged. In order to obtain illegitimate benefits, some people use drones to illegally shoot some private places, and then make videos for distribution, making huge profits. So many regions will choose to limit this with drone jammer, which also play a big role.

In some areas, the safety hazards brought by drones will appear at any time, and there is no fixed time. The technology sets up a “no-fly zone” on the site, which is a sizable protective barrier. In the “no-fly zone”, send a wireless signal to the “Blackfly” drone to make an emergency landing. Not only can it save a lot of manpower input, but it can also guarantee the safety of the performers to a large extent. For other organizations or classified units, the drone signal jammer equipment makes the accident UAV return to flight or on the way, and cannot continue to use equipment such as cameras.

portable drone jammer

Since the UAV must use wireless signal transmission, it can achieve the effect of signal confrontation against the UAV, making the UAV out of control and unable to drive further into the protected area, so as to achieve the purpose of countering the UAV.

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