1. Beauty

Reasons for the increased demand for liposuction

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This increased demand is due to the increased skills and experiences of the best plastic surgeon in Egypt, in addition to the newly developing techniques that made this procedure highly safe and very easy, and finally, the unbelievable outcomes this procedure provide that this procedure is the most effective tool to spot-treat fat deposits and highlight the muscle tone underneath.

How does vaser liposuction work?

As we mentioned before, during a liposuction procedure, the fat deposits underneath the skin are broken down to be easily suctioned outside the body.

During a vaser liposuction procedure, the area selected to be treated is injected with a medicated solution, then the fat cells are treated with the energy of the ultrasound wave emitted from the vaser device probe and these fat cells are then removed outside the body via a gentle suction process.

All these steps are done where the surrounding tissues are intact, not affected, and not harmed.


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