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The advantages of vacuum excavation in terms of safety, speed, and strike avoidance are increasing popularly. But the facts that are perhaps less understood are the benefits vacuum excavation provides in terms of environment and stability. 

Here are the important reasons why people are considering vacuum excavator hire in the UK to help reduce the carbon footprint:

A vacuum Excavator produces less dust

Regardless of the material being dug, vacuum excavation produces much less dust than other techniques. Massive amounts of dust are thrown into the air while moving spoil about on open-top vehicles like dumpers, excavators, and trucks, as well as on conveyor belts.

The environment, the general public, and site employees are all better off when vacuum excavation is used since all spoil and dust are directly sucked into the vacuum excavator itself.

Hire a vacuum excavator to assist your site in complying with the HSE's Work right campaign,  cutting down on dust on construction sites to lower respiratory risk for employees.

Size matters

Compared to conventional techniques like utilizing a tiny digger, using a vacuum excavator can minimize the size of excavations by up to a third while consuming less energy and having considerably less impact on the surrounding site and off-site environment. According to VAC UK, smaller excavations caused by utilizing a suction excavator rather than conventional methods result in a knock-on effect on small building sites altogether.

The flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic can be improved, benefiting commuters as well as nearby residents' homes and businesses. The environmental advantages are obvious when the accompanying carbon savings from less traffic from idle vehicles are taken into account.

Vacuum excavation reduces contamination risk

Traditional excavating techniques are inherently untidy. Vacuum excavators, in contrast, quickly remove all spoil and dust and keep them inside the machine. As a result, there is no leftover waste that might contaminate surface water or drains. 

The team safely transfers the excavated soil by storing all the excavated dirt in the vacuum excavator. It avoids the possibility of it slipping off the vehicle and into inappropriate areas. 

Reduce the chance of water table contamination

It is more difficult to locate underground utilities using conventional digging methods. Finding the existing piping is not assured. There is a strong possibility that the nearby subsurface water network will get contaminated if an underground gas or wastewater line is destroyed.

The careful digging method lessens the risk of destroying existing utilities and contaminating water supplies.

Decreases air pollution

The most recent vacuum excavators are compatible with the current Euro 6 requirements, lowering pollution and facilitating work in clean air or ultra-low emission zones. Working with a vacuum excavator rental business with a new fleet that complies with the most recent emission requirements would benefit air quality.

Vacuum Excavation Allows access hard to reach sites. 

The vacuum excavators let you access hard-to-reach areas without causing any disturbance to the local wildlife. A vacuum excavator connected with a long hose may excavate remotely rather than undertaking additional demolition work to move heavy equipment near the excavation site, which would increase the carbon footprint and lengthen the time and expense of a project.

A vacuum excavator may be parked safely away from the excavation zone, and a hose of up to 150 metres can be run to the digging zone to extract the material, as opposed to excavators and dumpers traversing green fields and upsetting the local fauna.

Final Words

Vacuum excavation, also called suction excavation, is among the most economical excavation method available today. It would be great to opt for a vacuum excavator hire in the UK to fulfill excavating jobs of all sizes. Hiring a vacuum excavator is ideal for jobs of all sizes. If you want a reliable vacuum excavator service provider, 365 Vacex would be an ideal fit for you. We pride ourselves on providing a safer alternative to traditional excavation.