1. Business

Reasons Why Your Company Needs An Animated Video

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Every company always needs to promote itself. Whether attracting new customers, retaining existing customers, publicizing a new product or service, providing corporate information… There are many reasons why any animation video company dubai has to reach its audience and make itself known to a broader audience. This type of profile had yet to be contemplated.

The solution to showing a message that is easily understood, attractive, and capable of transmitting information is through an animated video for companies. It is one of the best marketing resources to achieve your objectives effectively and quickly. So that you know the power of this type of video marketing strategy, we give five reasons why your company needs an animated video.

Why use an animated video in strategy?

Easy to understand. If any marketing campaign has something in common, it is that its message is easy to understand for the audience. What is sought is for the public to understand the transmitted information so that even when the message is dense or complicated, it can be captured perfectly by all types of people. The animation video company dubai covers this need since it captures the content to convey complex ideas.

Intelligent and attractive script: When we consume videos, we usually do it in our leisure time, when we go on public transport, while waiting. Therefore, we need the viewer to keep their attention on the video, to stay until the end, and for this, we need to create a script. Make it attractive.

A mistake that some companies make is thinking that animated videos are less professional than other formats. Just because they are animated does not mean they can only be fun videos; they are also designed to explain serious topics. What matters is that they have an intelligent script designed to achieve their objective, with the ability to maintain attention.

Greater visibility and conversion rate: Every video marketing strategy needs to set some objectives previously, among which there is usually greater visibility. Animated images speak for themselves, so animated video reaches more people.

In addition, it is a type of content suitable for all channels, from business websites to social networks, even being broadcast on television. On the other hand, it is a type of video that manages to go viral, which increases the conversion rate and hence achieves its effectiveness compared to different types of audiovisual formats.

Images that convey the brand: To consolidate a good brand image, various factors must be considered, from the design chosen for the logo, the advertising graphic design, the website's style, etc.

This consolidates a brand among the public, and an animation video company dubai can help reinforce it. These types of images are perfect for delivering the brand's message to all kinds of audiences.

The five benefits of animated videos

Now that you know why you need them, let's get to the actual topic of this article: what are their benefits? What will they bring me for my business? Will they help me sell more?

The eye loves animations

The animations are simple, colorful, and moving. This allows the eye not to “suffer” when seeing them, to feel comfortable with them, and even to be attracted by their simplicity. Why do you think children love cartoons? Although we may not believe it, our eyes continue to work as it did when we were children.

They are not stereotyped

If we use actors, people who watch our video might say, ” I don't look anything like that,” or “It seems like this product or service is for people of a different age.” All because they had chosen an actor who would play the role designated for the video.

Animation is much more open. Although you must choose a representation of your target audience, using one will avoid focusing too much or reflecting any rejection for choosing one type of actor.

They can be used for anything

Sometimes, it is thought that animated videos do not fit with a company. ” They are not severe,” some think. They are wrong.

Argo, Ben Affleck's Oscar-winning film, begins by explaining the story with animated characters. And precisely, the story it tells is reasonable.

Any topic, company, or concept can be developed through animation. Also, “translating” what you say into drawings will make it easier to understand.

They are perfect for business branding

When you make a video, be it advertising, explanatory, or corporate, you must clarify your brand and who is behind it. In an animation video company dubai, you can incorporate logos and colors and even dress the characters with elements that remind you of your brand.

Compared to a video with real characters, the number of possibilities is much broader. You can use whatever you imagine in an animated video for companies.


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