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Have you published an advertisement, but you aren't getting the amount of exposure you'd hoped for? Click here, Are you wondering whether your Facebook ads are working in any way?

Continue reading to find an extensive list of main reasons why your Facebook advertisement isn't performing and what you can do to solve it immediately.

What do you think “not giving” refers to on Facebook ads?

“Not providing” indicates that your active advertisements are not being seen by the people you want to reach. This could be the case with new ads or toads delivered previously.

If you want to determine whether this is the case with your ads, campaigns, sets, or ads, you can check the Delivery column of Ads Manager.

The status “Not providing” may appear due to various reasons. If an issue stops the advertisement from displaying, the group will change to “Update necessary.”

Whatever the motive, don't be worried or quit the campaign. More often than not, it's straightforward and straightforward to solve.

Here's a list that outlines the most frequently occurring reasons that Facebook ads are inactive but not producing results — and the steps you could do to make things right.

1. Your advertisement is not accessible

Problem: The article associated with your advertisement isn't accessible.
The Facebook page associated with your ad might have been deleted, or you might not have permission to see it. It could also be that you are posting a post that cannot be used in an advertisement.

The ad you're advertising could contain an event or offer that's expired, or the product you're trying to promote can't be found because the ID of the product is not present or the set of products has been emptied (out of stocks or deleted).

Additionally, shared posts cannot be promoted by anyone other than the person who created their original article.

Solution: Select a different post or modify permissions
The reason for this will depend on the basis you may choose:

  • Permit the page's Editor or Admin.
  • Choose a different Page post.
  • Create an offer that is new and place it in a new ad set.
  • Examine your catalog to see whether the product you want to promote is in stock.

After making the required modifications, manually turn the ad's set back inactive, and the “Update necessary” sub-status should disappear.

2. Your spending limit is reached.

Problem It's when you established a spending limit but did not remember it.
Another easy problem to forget about (but it's also simple to repair!) is exceeding the limit of your account's spending. Your spending limit for your account is the maximum amount you set for your advertisement account. Once you reach the limit, Facebook will stop showing your advertisements.

Fix: Remove, change the limit, or set it to zero.
Within Ads Manager, go to the Billing and Payment Methods section within Settings.

Facebook ads manager navigation menu

The limit on the spending of your account is to the right of the screen. It will also display the amount of money spent from the limited total.

Facebook limits the amount of money you can spend on ads.

Change, remove or reset your account spending limit to resume your ad delivery.

3. Your audience is not large enough

The issue is that you do not have the minimum number of users needed.
Targeting your ads with lasers can help avoid the waste of money on non-interested users; however, restricting your advertisements to a very (Buy YouTube Subscribers UK) narrow target targeted by your advertising could prevent them from even delivering. Facebook requires that advertisers be able to count at least 1,000 people within their target audience.

Your ads might not deliver if:

  • Your targeted parameters aren't populated with enough people within them.
  • You're excluding too large of your potential customers to make your advertisements effective.
  • The customer list you've created does not match the number of customers you'd like to see.

Fix: Expand your target audience
Here are some suggestions for fixing the problem:

Add additional interests or activities.

Let for the Facebook Pixel to collect more information before launching retargeting campaigns.
Consider rethinking your geographic restrictions.
Please use Lookalike Audiences to allow Facebook to use a source of the audience (website users, email lists, etc.) to locate similar people based on their demographics and preferences.
Include more customers in your list of customers.
You'll need to meet the threshold of 1,000 users for your ads to reach the 1,000-user threshold.

4. Your advertisements are not approved or are limited

The problem is that your ad does not meet Facebook's rules for advertising

Do not forget to deliver your advertisement; it may be rejected for publishing. Issues in getting Facebook advertisements approved are pretty frequent across the site. This is because Facebook is cautious to ensure that every ad is compliant with its advertising guidelines before making it available for publication.

If the ad isn't approved, you'll get an of the reason for the disapproval. You can also view the status of your ad within the Ads Manager.

Facebook ads are not an approved dialog.

There are a variety of reasons Facebook could reject your post, including the inclusion of content that is restricted (depictions of drinking, eating, gambling, etc.) or content that is not permitted (depiction of illicit products such as weapons, profanity, and so on. ).

The review process also involves the landing page for your ad. So, make sure your ad's landing page is functional, doesn't have a misleading/sensationalized headline, and contains an offer (product/service) that matches the request in the ad.

Correct: Make the needed modifications or file an appeal
There are two choices:

If, for instance, Facebook mentions the reason for the image's inappropriateness, alter your appearance into one in line with their standards. Save the advertisement and hope it is approved when you submit it again.

If you think your advertisement was incorrectly rejected, you can request a re-review through Account Quality.
In addition, suppose that your advertisement falls under a particular class (such as job opportunities, social issues, etc.).

If that's the scenario, your target audience is limited (for example, you aren't able to choose to target by gender or age in ads about employment). Choose the type of most appropriate category for your ads, so Facebook will ensure that there is no discrimination through the site.

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