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One of the most important items we have in our home, business, or on our boat is a fire extinguisher.  However, a fire extinguisher that is not charged and maintained in good working order will not be of much help during that critical moment when you most need it Ensures the accessibility – Your fire extinguisher should be placed where it has easy access. Put them in places where the chances of fire are higher, such as the kitchen, furnace room, fireplace, garage, etc.

Check the pressure – Most of the time, fire extinguishers have a pressure gauge attached to them that indicates their proper operating range – Recharge Fire Extinguisher with Serviced Fire Equipment Just give us a call at (727) 620-3473. If your fire extinguisher comes with a test indicator, press it to ensure the pressure reading is within the correct range. Incorrect pressure levels should be reported back to the fire extinguisher maintenance company for a thorough inspection. They will also do the Fire Extinguisher Recharge, if necessary.

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