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All of you might have wondered about the difference between recreational and medicinal cannabis. Cannabis has various medicinal benefits regardless of its form and reason of consumption. Both types of cannabis are consumed by people.The main difference with these is the amount of Cannabidiol and Tetrahydrocannabinol content.

Difference between medicinal and recreational cannabis

As said before, difference among medicinal and leisure cannabis As stated before, the primary difference in medicinal and recreational cannabis is the difference in the amount of Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) they comprise( main contents of marijuana ). The recreational Cannabis contains more Tetrahydrocannabinol then the medical Cannabis. Tetrahydrocannabinol is the part which makes the users feel high. Tetrahydrocannabinol is medicinally beneficial ,but it cannot be used for health benefits due to it being psychoactive in nature. But CBD or Cannabidiol, another ingredient in marijuana is found to have an excellent medicinal benefit for many diseases.So when you take medical marijuana you won’t get the feeling of being high. Only the recreational variant has the potency to give the feeling of being high.

If you are using cannabis for health purposes then you don’t need to use recreational cannabis for that. You can use the medical cannabis which has a lower Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) quantity. Even though both have the contents of Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the medicinal one has more medical benefits compared to recreational one. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, anti-oxidant, anti-carcinogenic and antipsychotic properties.

Yes the use of cannabis has its own health benefits, but you should be safe about the consumption amount and don’t get overdosed. You should practice the safe use of drugs for your own safety.Cannabis could make you see your life in a different perspective because it could alter your mental processes. It can also affect your emotions greatly due to its ability to alter mental processes.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) 

It is psychoactive in nature. Could evoke both depressant and stimulant effects in the user.can be used medically as appetite stimulator, pain relief, nausea and antispasmodic.

Cannabidiol (CBD) 

It is only minimally psychoactive in nature. may be used medically for ache relief, inflammation, nausea and vomiting, tension, and epilepsy.


How cannabis works?

The high– THC gives the feeling of high and CBD doesn't have that effect. That’s why CBD level is high and THC level is low on medical cannabis. 


Antipsychotic- THC is psychoactive in nature so it has the MIND BENDING effects on its user. While CBD used along with THC has non-psychoactive properties. But when used on its own it regains its psychoactive nature.


Sleep – People claim that using cannabis helps them to get a better sleep. It is probably the THC content that creates this side effect. CBD has wake induced agents which will cause you to stay awake. Some strains of cannabis are known for sleep inducing while some are known to give you an energy boost.

Legal Issues

This is a major concern when it comes to medicinal and recreational cannabis. Many places around the globe still face legal issues regarding the use of recreational cannabis. But in the case of medicinal cannabis many countries have started to realise its medicinal aspects and started to accept its use. So medicinal cannabis is more accessible than recreational cannabis.

Recreational cannabis is banned around the world in many places. So people who try to obtain it when caught have to deal with a heavy fine or face jail time. But laws regarding medicinal cannabis have changed in many places in the last decade.


Even though both of these cannabis goes through the same growing process, There is a whole lot of difference in terms of quality between them. Even though they have the same growing process , it is different when it comes to the cultivation and production process. If the cannabis is for medicinal cannabis then it goes through a strict and controlled process. Also in this case the plants are grown inside in a controlled environment rather than outdoors like recreational cannabis plants. It is also monitored for pesticide use , because it needs to be safe for the patients to use. It doesn’t mean recreational cannabis is not grown in a safe way. It just means that more care is given to medicinal cannabis , because it is used for health benefits.

Many people prefer recreational cannabis over medicinal cannabis , because they give social enjoyment and personnel satisfaction. But what they don’t know is that medicinal cannabis is considered more versatile because it is associated with many medicinal benefits. It also has low Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and high Cannabidiol (CBD) , so it can be used by elderly and children. Recreational cannabis can only be used by a certain age group of people. 


Where to buy

In places where only medical marijuana is legalised the patient needs to provide a personal ID and medical cannabis card to show that they have been approved to buy medical cannabis from medical clinics. And only one customer is allowed at a time to ensure privacy. In places where it is legal to sell recreational marijuana , They can be sold in stores and maybe even online. But These stores selling recreational cannabis are not allowed to have medical cannabis there. There are also shops with dual licences , which can sell both medicinal and recreational cannabis for customers. It is hard to get a medicinal cannabis selling licence , the sellers have to attend seminars, undergo training and vetting just to acquire the licence. You can find Recreational cannabis at any cannabis stores that sell them.

Benefits and perks

If you are prescribed to use medical cannabis , then depending on the state and country you are entitled for a wide variety of benefits. These are not available for recreational cannabis users. Some of the perks of this are lower taxes and prices on products , legal access for minors.


Both medicinal and recreational cannabis come from the same plant. But the difference starts from growing, cultivation and processing stages. Both are used for different purposes. Always practice safe cannabis consumption and avoid overdosing yourself.