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With the resurgence of the employment market, firms are scrambling to fill openings fast, resulting in a fierce rivalry. Recruiters need to tap into their creative juices and use them to alter their hiring procedures and applicant experiences or risk losing out on top-tier candidates.

Recruiters may obtain an advantage in today's candidate market by catering to candidates' demands and providing an improved application process. In the following examples, recruiters may use these insights to improve their ability to attract the best candidates.

Employer branding should be the first step in the process.

When it comes to hiring for high-level positions that need substantial training and specialized degrees, you have to stand out from the crowd. It is possible for employers to stand out from the crowd of similar job postings and attract the attention of top candidates by creating a distinct brand identity for their company.

48 percent of recruiters believe that a company's career site is a valuable tool for promoting its brand as an employer. Communication of a current employer brand can help you attract high-quality personnel in the face of increased expectations from job seekers about recruiting processes and business culture. Companies must make sure that their employer brand and corporate culture are communicated consistently and authentically across all channels, including job postings and social media. Because they don't have to work as hard to sign excellent applicants, companies with a well-designed brand spend less money recruiting.

An employer's brand is a long-term investment that pays dividends in the present and the future. You may begin creating an employer brand by visiting a company's career site. Job postings provide job searchers an inside look at the role's criteria and allow companies to engage with high-quality applicants by promoting their culture and values.

Enhance the application process for potential employees.

Attracting applicants with particular skills necessitates a memorable candidate experience. Coordinating many components of the application process might be difficult at times. As a result, the use of automation may play an important part in a talent team's success. Sources enabled by artificial intelligence (AI) are able to search across a wider range of resume databases and job boards to find candidates with the right skills and expertise to meet any job need. This may be done by using technologies such as text to apply, self-scheduling portals, and chatbots to further streamline the applicant experience without the requirement of cumbersome manual processes.

Recently, Glassdoor reported that 58% of job seekers use their phones to hunt for work, and 35% prefer to apply for jobs using their phones. Mobile devices are a great way to connect with the best and brightest. As a result, recruiters will be able to reach prospects while they are on the road and prevent them from abandoning the mobile application process.

Build a talent pool

If a vacancy occurs, recruiters must have a ready pool of candidates from which to draw in order to avoid being left behind. To avoid losing out on top talent once IT & manufacturing recruiting firms and corporations return to full operation, it is important to have a talent pool that can be quickly and easily tapped into.

If you want to build a strong pipeline of talent, you need to go through your database of previous applications and categorize individuals by region, skillsets, roles, and levels of engagement. Recruiters may develop personalized campaign messages and keep passive prospects engaged year-round by frequently updating their database. To avoid a lack of qualified candidates, recruiters may use intelligent messaging systems to nurture each audience group via personalized messages, job alerts, and recruitment marketing material.
