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A healthy lifestyle is a key to good health. The same applies when a woman plans to get pregnant or tries to conceive. However, there are various other factors as well, which affect her ability to conceive apart from the healthy lifestyle. A woman may be healthy but cannot conceive due to her age or other medical reasons. The chances of fertility are high in women till 30 years, after that, there is a decline in their fertility. As their age grows, there is a decline in their fertility abilities, therefore, if you are below 30 years of age and you are trying to conceive, then you need to consider these tips for a healthy lifestyle and pregnancy.

Understanding the Concept of Women's Fertility: As the name suggests, it is the ability of a woman to conceive a child biologically. You and your spouse need to find the reasons for your inability to conceive, if you are trying unprotected sex for a long time or if both of you are above 35 years of age without a child.

Reasons for Infertility Problems in Women: There are various reasons behind women’s infertility. Some of these reasons are:

  1. Disorder of Ovulation: The disorder of ovulation affects the movement of eggs from the ovaries. This is due to disorders of hormones like polycystic ovary syndrome, thyroid problems, and hyperprolactinemia. 
  2. Damage or Blockage In Fallopian Tube: This problem happens due to pelvic inflammatory disease.
  3. Uterine or Cervical Abnormalities: This includes polyps or fibroids in the uterus.
  4. Early Menopause: Normally menopause starts after the age of 50 years, in some women it starts in the early ’40s. In this situation, the ovaries stop working and menstruation stops.
  5. Endometriosis: It is the situation where the tissues that grow inside the uterus start growing out of it.
  6. Other Reasons: These include uncontrolled diabetes, autoimmune diseases like lupus, and celiac diseases.  Apart from all these reasons, the age factor also plays a crucial role in pregnancy. Nowadays, when youth are concerned about their career they don’t want to think about extending their family, and as their age grows there is a decline in the quantity and quality of their eggs, which makes it difficult for them to conceive. 

Tips to Enhance Fertility in Women: To improve fertility in women, there are certain things to consider:

  1. Healthy Weight: Being underweight and overweight both affect the fertility of a woman. For this, it is important to consider a dietician and plan your diet according to his/her instructions.
  2. Stop Working Late Night: If you are working in a call centre or your job requires you to work for late evening hours, then stop this immediately. This affects your fertility to a great extent. If it is impossible to skip your job, then try to take proper sleep for long hours.
  3. Protect Yourself from Sexually Transmitted Infections: Sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia and gonorrhea are major factors behind the infection during sex.
  4. Activities To Restrict: For a healthy lifestyle adopt these activities:
  5. Control the Intake of Alcohol: Stop the intake of alcohol, as this increases the risk of ovulation disorders. For a healthy pregnancy, stop the consumption of alcohol.
  6. Stop Smoking: The use of tobacco also affects your fertility and therefore stop smoking. Smoking hits your ovaries and decreases the quality and quantity of your eggs. 
  7. Stop Heavy Exercise: Excessive exercise stop ovulation and reduces the formation of progesterone, a type of hormone. For a healthy and normal pregnancy, limit your exercise schedule.

Bottom line: The bottom line is that if you are planning to get pregnant and concerned about your lifestyle it is better to consult your health care provider and follow his suggestions.





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