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When it comes to choosing a remodeling contractor, you can choose from a variety of options. Handymen are specialized in a single task, such as painting, while remodeling contractors focus on more complex projects. They can design and install new plumbing and electrical systems, as well as build decks or renovate rooms. They also specialize in different kinds of building materials. Although some companies claim to have a wide range of certifications, not all of them are equal.

A good contractor will be certified in several trades. If they are a member of the National Association of Home Builders, they should have a CGR. If not, they should also belong to industry organizations such as ICMA. These organizations will help you find a contractor who is dedicated to the field. In addition, they should have advanced certifications, such as LEED. When hiring a remodeling contractor, make sure they maintain a file of all the documentation related to the project.

Remodeling contractors can work on both residential and commercial projects. They may also be known as construction contractors. In many cases, they work on single-family or small-scale renovation projects. Alternatively, they may specialize in one area, such as kitchens, bathrooms, or basements. Whatever the project, it will be executed effectively and within the agreed timeframe. A good remodeling contractor should also be licensed, have comprehensive insurance, and have a good track record in the industry.


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