1. Health

Reputable Urgent Care Alexandria VA- An Instant Access to Quality Healthcare

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A family physician is a go-to healthcare resource whenever anyone from the family is sick. It may not be the right option when you are in a dilemma about choosing a medical facility because of the urgency.

Doctor's offices have fixed operating hours. One cannot expect immediate medical attention without an appointment. Patients and caregivers waiting for their turn, is routine in any doctor's office or a primary healthcare facility.

Faster medical treatment

Minor burns, injuries, fever, sprains, and many more ailments deserve urgent treatment by a qualified medical practitioner. The urgent care Alexandria VA is a suitable choice if you or your near-one needs prompt treatment.

The name Urgent Care underlines the main attribute of these healthcare facilities. Patients may not be able to book an appointment because of urgency. The urgent care clinic welcomes any individual who needs quick treatment. The maximum waiting period in these clinics is just about half an hour.

Prompt and efficient service

Highly qualified physicians and board-certified nurse practitioners strive to provide fast and efficient treatment in these facilities. You can look forward to a quality healthcare service without waiting hours.

There is no compulsion to get an appointment as the clinic serves anyone with an ailment that needs a doctor's attention urgently. The clinic aims to offer treatment for urgent medical conditions that are not life-threatening.

Broad coverage of ailments

Non-life-threatening conditions like fever, injuries, minor fractures, severe headaches, and different painful conditions are prevalent. You cannot neglect these medical conditions despite their non-serious nature. A patient with any of the following complaints receives instant treatment at any established urgent care Washington DC:

  • Insect bites
  • Stomach problems
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • High fever
  • Urinary infections
  • Diarrhea
  • Indigestion and bloating
  • Throat infections

Committed to patients' wellbeing

The main aim of any walk-in clinic or urgent care center is attending to non-life-threatening injuries and illnesses with painful and discomforting symptoms. There are multiple healthcare facilities to ensure the general health of patients.

One need not leave the clinic to get lab test reports and other investigations. Most of these facilities are available within the premises of an urgent care clinic. Patients' convenience is of prime importance, as these clinics take every precaution to offer the best service to each individual.

Routine and special check-up services

Physicals are mandatory health check-up formalities in schools, employment, and immigration. Urgent care clinics provide school physical facilities involving general assessment of the child's health, such as blood pressure, vision, height, weight, and family history. Pre-employment physicals determine the candidate's fitness level to perform the relevant duties.

A pre-surgery health check is crucial for smooth operation. Therefore, it is mandatory for every individual who is a candidate for surgery. These health checks involve blood glucose testing, routine blood testing, and assessing hemoglobin levels, blood group, and blood pressure.

Leading urgent care Alexandria VA providers offer wellness physicals services to ensure a person's fitness by setting benchmarks for different health parameters.

You need not search anymore for an established clinic for urgent care Alexandria, VA, as you are in the right place. Express Care is the reputed urgent care Washington DC providing treatment options for many non-life-threatening conditions. Visit http://www.xpresscarenow.com/walk-in-clinic/well-check/ to get in touch with a broad spectrum of quality healthcare services.



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