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At Physiorevive, we treat a large number of patients who have sustained injuries at their place of employment. These injuries can be attributed to a wide variety of causes. Accidents at work are more serious problems than they initially appear to be. The majority of Indians reported having at least one injury related to their jobs in the past year. And because of an illness or injury, some individuals were compelled to take time off from their employment. The following are the most common types of occupations that have had employees suffer accidents on the job:

  • Deskjob workers/ computer programmers
  • Technicians and those employed in trades
  • Professionals
  • Operators and drivers of heavy machinery
  • Labourers

The bulk of these injuries are the result of lifting, tugging, or bending, which are the three activities that cause them the most. Don't feel discouraged if you've had any of these typical accidents in the job. Physiorevive is the leading physiotherapy clinic in Delhi, and their staff includes qualified experts who are able to provide assistance in the most professional manner. At Physiorevive, our physiotherapists are trained in a variety of areas, including clinical assessment, injury rehabilitation, tactics for pain management, and measures to prevent additional damage from occurring. The following is a list of the six most frequent injuries that we see, along with the steps that may be taken to aid in recovery and treat them.

Back Pain

Numerous professionals, including deskjob workers doing sitting job, nurses who must lift patients and stand on their feet all day, taxi drivers who must sit in uncomfortable car seats all day, and labourers who must lift and carry heavy loads while standing all day, are among those who suffer from back pain as a direct result of the activities they engage in while at work. The best physiotherapy clinic in Delhi has experts who have received training in the anatomy and physiology of the complex structures found in the back. They can able to provide advice on safe lifting techniques as well as methods to avoid overworking large muscle groups or straining them. Our ability to assist workers in avoiding re-injury and instruct them on how to train the appropriate muscles to improve both their strength and their flexibility is one of our greatest strengths.

Fall Injuries

Injuries sustained as a result of slipping and falling may not immediately result in a broken bone or a concussion; however, they may still cause injury to soft tissues, inflammation, bruising, discomfort, or an exaggeration of previous injuries. The paramount physiotherapy clinic in Delhi will evaluate you for any underlying injuries, offer guidance on pain management, assist you in lowering the chance of falling in the future, and help you strengthen certain muscles to improve your strength and balance.

Vehicular Accidents

Accidents involving vehicles are all too common and they can even take place on the job. Whiplash is one of the many common injuries that can be caused by a collision. Pain, stiffness, and headaches due to referred pain can result from this condition. After being in a car accident, getting checked out by a trained medical professional is really necessary to ensure that you are in good health and do not have any hidden injuries. The physiotherapist at Physiorevive is qualified to evaluate you, as well as diagnose and treat any damage that may have been caused as a result of your condition.

Repetitive motion injuries

Injuries caused by repetitive motion can manifest themselves in virtually every sector of the economy. Office workers can injure their necks by gazing between computer screens, and they can injure their wrists by developing carpal tunnel syndrome as a result of repetitive movements. Repetitive movement injuries are not limited to people who are lifting large boxes or carrying ladders. Braces, stretches, and motions that assist to minimise the severity of an injury and the likelihood of getting injured in the first place are some of the things that the physiotherapist at Physiorevive can recommend correct way of working to patients in order to prevent repetitive movement injuries. Increasing your strength and mobility, as well as changing the way you perform activities that need you to repeat motions, can all help to protect you from a common type of injury. If you have developed an injury as a result of repetitive movement, the best physiotherapist in Delhi can evaluate you, provide you guidance, and help you manage your pain and suffering in order to prevent further harm. The specific therapy that you receive will be based on the type of damage that you have.


When a fracture takes place, it can be extremely painful as well as terrifying. On the other hand, Physiorevive is here to lend you a helping hand. You can regain function, movement, and range of motion with the assistance of the physiotherapist in Delhi, and they can also assist you in strengthening the muscles that are located surrounding the fracture. They will be able to help you manage the stiffness, soreness, and discomfort that can result from immobility, and they will also be able to advise you on how to return to activities in a safe manner.

Strains and Sprains

These are all too common occupational injuries that can be unexpectedly disruptive to work and daily life. A sprain is an injury to a ligament, whereas a strain affects a muscle or tendon. Typically, these injuries develop when a ligament, muscle, or tendon is stretched beyond its capacity, resulting in a strain or a tear. When you visit the physiotherapist with a strain or sprain, our recommendations will vary according on the source, location, and severity of your injury. If necessary, we will refer you for more testing, such as an X-ray, to determine that you do not have a more severe injury, such as a fracture or dislocation. Then, we will employ treatments such as rest, ice, compression, and joint mobilisation to aid in the recovery of your sprain or strain. We can advise you on pain management techniques, safe activity levels, and how to avoid the injury from getting worse.

Winding up

You are always at risk of an injury when at work. Well that will not stop you from doing your job and neither there is the need of being depressed realizing this fact. If there is a problem there is always a way. Physiorevive the premiere physiotherapy clinic in Delhi is probably the best way to live a pain free life. Call us and book your appointment with us. Discuss your problems in details to receive the most optimal treatment to find a cure to your daily problems.