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The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) states that 905,677 new liver cancer cases and 2,206,771 new lung cancer cases were recorded in 2020. Further, the Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS) estimates that 237,800 Australians were suffering from kidney diseases during the financial year (FY) 2017–2018. Thus, the surging need for effective drug development and discovery, on account of the growing prevalence of chronic heart, lung, liver, kidney, brain, and intestine diseases, will create an extensive requirement for organ-on-chip products globally.

In addition, the increasing amount of government grants and funds being provided for research in the medical sector will propel the organ-on-chip market at an exceptional CAGR of 40.1% during 2018–2025. The market revenue is expected to grow from $11.0 million in 2017 to $163.1 million by 2025. For instance, in 2020, the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) administered 10 grants through the “Clinical Trials” on a Chip program to support the development of microphysiological and bioengineered models of human organ and tissue systems to improve the success rate of new therapeutics in drug development.

In the recent past, a larger volume of brain-on-chip, heart-on-chip, intensity-on-chip, kidney-on-chip, lung-on-chip, and liver-on-chip were used in pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, because these end users were the frontrunners in toxicology research, drug discovery, and physiological model development. Additionally, academic research institutes also use different types of organ-on-chips for such applications. In the coming years, these end users will use a significant volume of liver-on-chip due to the surging prevalence of chronic liver diseases and ongoing advancements in research for its therapeutic intervention.

In recent years, organ-on-chip product manufacturers and service providers have unveiled novel and innovative products to widen their portfolio. For example, in July 2017, Hmrel Corporation introduced the HuRELviral microliver testing platform to sustain hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in actual human liver cells for over thirty days. With this feature, the platform equips virologists with unprecedented insight into a potential drug candidate to treat chronic HBV. Other companies offering such products include Emulate Inc., Nortis Inc., Mimetas B.V., Organovo Holdings Inc., CN Bio Innovations Ltd., and TissUse GmbH.

According to P&S Intelligence, North America led the organ-on-chip market in the preceding years, owing to the increasing government support being provided, in terms of grants for organ-on-chip research activities, and mounting investments being made by medical device manufacturers in exploring the potential applications of such products. Several manufacturers in APAC are innovating and adapting organ-on-chip technologies to improve drug discovery procedures. Additionally, the presence of a developed healthcare sector also facilitates the adoption of organ-on-chip products in the U.S. and Canada.

Furthermore, the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region is also expected to emerge as an eminent user of organ-on-chip products and services in the forthcoming years. This will be on account of the mushrooming healthcare expenditure, surging adoption of advanced technologies in the healthcare sector, and increasing government funding for healthcare research and development (R&D) activities in the region. At present, government organizations, such as the National Key Scientific Instrument and Equipment Development Project, China and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, are engaging in research activities for determining the potential of organ-on-chip as a new platform for biological analysis.

Thus, the rising need for drug development and discovery and mounting government support toward the medical sector will facilitate the adoption of organ-on-chip products globally.



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