1. Travel

River cruises from St. Petersburg on all Russian rivers

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Hello, dear friends and lovers of water travelling! We are glad to welcome you on our portal “River Journeys”, which offers you to discover Russia from a new side, travelling along its beautiful rivers.
Here you will find unique itineraries that will allow you to enjoy the unforgettable beauty of our homeland and relax from the hustle and bustle of the city. Our river cruises start from St. Petersburg https://www.rech-tour.ru/cruise/from/sankt-peterburg and represent a variety of programmes designed to suit all tastes. You can choose both short excursions for family holidays and long journeys in the company of friends.
On our site you can always keep track of the current schedule and book cabins in advance to make your journey as comfortable and unforgettable as possible. Travel around Russia with us and discover new horizons!


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