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A reverse osmosis plant is a manufacturing plant, where water is purified and desalinated by forcing water through a membrane, typically known as a reverse osmosis process. Water produced by plant RO may be used for several purposes like desalination, wastewater treatment, and the reclamation of dissolved minerals.

An average drinking water RO plant system requires six KW hours of electricity to desalinate one cubic meter of water. Reverse osmosis water plants requires a variety of pre-treatment techniques including softening, DE chlorination, and anti-scale treatment. Following pre-treatment, high levels of pressure send water through a semi-permeable membrane, which holds all contaminants except water.


DM water can be produced by multiple stages of passage through ion exchange resins and zeolites till there is virtually nothing other than water left. As one of the renowned Multi effect evaporator manufacturers, this purified water may be used for boiler feed water in power stations but not for drinking but is a very expensive process for town water supplies.

As Reverse Osmosis plant manufacturer, the RO water is produced by a single pass of filtered water through an RO membrane. Due to leaks and slight imperfections, the membranes can contain up to about 1500 parts per million (0.15%) of assorted dissolved substances. That would be acceptable for drinking. RO plant requires power to run pressure pumps and fairly frequent replacement of membranes so is expensive but not as expensive as distillation or the full DM process. Moreover, as reverse osmosis plant exporters, we are proud of the high quality, robust design, long lifespan, fracture toughness, and damage tolerance of our products. As Reverse osmosis system manufacturer, the reverse osmosis water purification plant price depends on the requirement of clients, and the where it will be used. Also, as suppliers, we make sure that our customers receive items that meet their expectations and uphold the highest standards of quality.


As sea water desalination plants by multi effect evaporator manufacturer requires very high pressure pumps in short energy consumption is very high in sea water reverse osmosis systems forced to research for alternative of reverse osmosis plants for seawater desalination found Multiple Effect Distillation very cost effective in terms of energy consumption but fixed capital investment is bit higher. In many cases Multiple Effect Distillation(MED) would be associated with Thermal Vapour Compression ( MED TVC), or Mechanical Vapour Compression (MED MVC). And, Waterman Engineers Australia reverse osmosis plant price is the most competitive in the industry. To know more about the reverse osmosis plant price, and its details, mail us at water@watermanaustralia.com