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“ROCKSOLAR” Authentic Quality Foldable Solar Panels For Sale

“ROCKSOLAR” provides high-quality lithium-ion battery portable power stations and solar panels. We provide the best quality products at affordable prices.

What are the uses of Foldable Solar Panels?

The uses of foldable solar panels climbing so let's get this test started to go ahead and plug in the jack Cree solar saw got 100 into the blue solar panels with the controller so we should get maximum power from it hopefully who we saw portable power stations for a moment that is not bad we have seen it get up to about 75 and previous testing okay now let's plug it into the “ROCKSOLAR” Explorer 200 and see what we get so obviously gonna be less because this has a controller watts now that sounds about right because the maximum this thing will do from any kind of regular 100-watt panel is 65 watts on a perfect day we have seen it actually do 200 watts actually seen the old version do 100 watts as well okay now let's do the same test with the rock pals 100-watt solar panel now just a note the rock pals comes default setup to charge a rock pals solar generator but with all these adapters you basically pick the biggest one that has the yellow on it the yellow ring the largest solar panels.

How do Foldable Solar Panels work?

Foldable solar panels one that's the one you use for both the “ROCKSOLAR” and the blue solar panels as you can see this thing is significantly harder to get flat battery power generator it's got four panels I'll do the best we can and put it at the exact same angle that's going to be as flat as we can get it in this kind of testing situation let's go ahead and check the temperature so as you can see right there we have about a hundred and so most 116 degrees so let's go ahead and get this test done do note the cord on the rock pals is probably about three feet shorter than the “ROCKSOLAR” let's go ahead and plug it into the jack or Explorer solar panels 200 watts can we do 60 let's give it a second and see if it'll go up anymore that's as flat as we can get it folks fifty-nine watts surprising okay guys let's go ahead and plug it into the max Oak blue solar panels with the controller we know if you guys solar panels. 

Why are Foldable Solar Panels best for camping?

Solar panels can see that but it says 100 watts that don't make any sense this thing is not charged fully it's only at solar panels less than actually so it generator with solar panel be taking a lot more than 100 watts that's all we got there that's strange let's plug this back into the “ROCKSOLAR” and see what happens okay 200 watts that's from the rock pals so why is the blue showing only watts let's try it one more time this time we are not gonna cut I'll show you guys that we are plugging this in real-time so here we go why don't we get 60 watts we wonder what's up with that let's test the blue solar panels and make sure there's not a problem with it so it seems like we found a strange incompatibility with the rock pal solar panel and the blue solar panels which has a solar panels controller in it now we don't understand that at all this should just be pointing out the direct power station.


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