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Rubber comes with a variety of inherent advantages that have made it an extremely popular flooring option for commercial, high-traffic surroundings. We have rubber outdoor tiles is available in a wide selection of colors, patterns and textures available all across US. this material is also finding its way into residential interior and exterior implementation.Tile products, which typically come in 12-inch, 24-inch, and 36-inch squares, are especially friendly for DIYers and designers. However, these advantages are balanced by a series of drawbacks that are important to understand before making a final decision about your floor installation.Rubber flooring is a type of resilient flooring method, and there in lies its most obvious benefit. Like other resilient materials, namely vinyl and linoleum, rubber flooring provides a durable and easy-to-clean surface.Rubber flooring is suitable for hard-wearing surroundings.For example,gyms, basements, rec rooms, playrooms, laundry rooms, utility areas ,etc.


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