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When you’re looking to build an application, you may find yourself wondering which programming language is best to use. While most developers can agree that there are benefits and drawbacks to using either Ruby on Rails or Java, the reality is that the decision isn’t always so clear-cut. Ultimately, it depends on what kind of app you want to build and how you intend to deploy it. Let’s take a look at some common scenarios to better understand the differences between these two coding languages and why they’re each optimal in certain situations.

What is Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails, or simply Rails as it’s often called, was created by David Heinemeier Hansson in 2003. It uses Ruby and is an open-source web framework that makes it easy to create web applications quickly, but with lots of power behind them. Ruby on Rails has been dubbed the perfect storm of software tools by a Forbes magazine contributor. It is one of the best programming languages for Web development, you can also hire Ruby on Rails developers from the best web development company. 

What is Java?

Java has been there for almost 25 years and still reigns supreme. It’s not going anywhere anytime soon. It isn’t as flashy as Ruby, but it gets things done effectively. Furthermore, it powers some of your favorite websites like Netflix, Twitter, and WordPress. If you are hiring ROR developers in India, it’s safe to assume they already know Java because of its wide adoption over the last two decades across industries and companies.

Pros of using Ruby on Rails

Less Expensive than Other Programming Languages and Frameworks: Ruby on Rails is a high-level language, which means it’s a lot easier to learn and use. As a result, fewer developers are competing for jobs—and that means you can charge less for your work. It also makes client acquisition much easier because clients don’t have to shell out tons of cash just to bring you into their projects.

Also Read: Know The Best Ruby on Rails Development Companies

Pros of using Java

There are many reasons why you should choose Java for web development, but here are a few of them: reliability, cost, and time to develop. In short, if you’re looking for a high-quality platform that’s robust and easy to build with and use, then go with Java. 

Another reason to consider java is that it allows programmers to create new applications and websites without having much prior experience in development or coding. Moreover, java has a lot of open-source libraries, which make development easier and more convenient than ever before.

Ruby on Rails vs Java: Similarities

Both Ruby on Rails and Java are object-oriented languages. They both use OOP concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism to help developers create their objects. And like Java, Ruby has a big focus on standardization; it’s one of those languages that help developers communicate with each other so everyone understands what’s going on.

Both Ruby and Java are written in C-style, which means they use curly braces to enclose code blocks and semicolons at the end statements. In addition, both languages have similar variable syntax, but their function syntax differs slightly. Ruby uses less parenthesis (Ruby’s parentheses contain optional parameters, whereas Java uses its parenthesis for optional parameters.)

Want to know more? Read the complete article on Ruby on Rails VS. Java here: 

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