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The Ruby is one of the most famous members of the Corundum group of gemstones, and is held in high esteem by gemologists and plebeians alike. The stone is considered to be extremely valuable, and there are very few genuine retailers that deal in rubies. The collection of rubies available at Khanna Gems is exhaustive, and is one to envy. 

Rubies are known for its characteristic colour palette that involves most shades of red to pink. The stone’s natural habitats include deposits found in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, India and parts of Western Africa. Rubies are infamous for being very rare which leads to their limited supply, and the rubies found naturally are characteristically of coarse texture, which then have to undergo an extensive process of cleaning and refining. 

In oriental culture, the popularity and fame of Ruby knows no bounds. Starting from embellishments on handles of daggers, on crowns to being a royal currency of friendship and goodwill, rubies have since times immemorial been a core part of the oriental lifestyle. The blood-red variety of Ruby found in Myanmar is also known to have been a tremendously sought-after gem by Mughals and the East India Company. 

Ruby assume great significance astrologically speaking as well. The stone is said to be associated with the God of Sun, and is known to bestow upon the wearer a characteristic vitality and life-force. 

Rubies are also famous to be harbingers of financial security, and thus find themselves to be in high demand amongst people involved in business. 

The Ruby is also rumored to possess an enchantment within itself, that helps it defend the wearer from evil spirits and distractions.

Wearing a ruby stone is said to accord the wearer with tremendous mental peace and level-headedness, allowing them to make potentially difficult decisions and leaps of success.

A potential customer seeking to buy a ruby for themselves or their loved ones shall have no difficulty in doing so. The online interface at Khanna Gems is designed to display the gemstones categorically, segregating them on the basis of various factors including https://khannagems.com/ruby-stone.htmlruby pricee range. If one is looking forward to a ruby, their search ends here.


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