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In today’s world, where everyone wants success of their own, it has become difficult to rely on anyone. To choose a path of our own is the best option to go for. But have you ever wondered which path to choose? Or have you ever thought of becoming a Christlike character? Maybe or maybe not. But what matters is what you think about others while you are walking on the road to success. Being selfless is the first step to becoming a Christlike character.

Things come in pairs of two; with good things come bad, with ups comes down, and with happiness comes hard times as well. But this does not mean that this stays with you forever. But your learning stays with you forever. This is why you must follow a path that you learn is true and pure. Just like Jesus, you must also try to walk on the road of justice and self control. For a better tomorrow, it is necessary we start peace making and peace building at an early stage.

There are many people who have started walking on the road to motivate others, to make them feel their value, and to appreciate them. They have started following the true ethics of humanity, just like how Russell Moore Social Justice, also taught ethics once. The President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, Russell Moore, is also the author of several novels.

But all this makes sense when you preach what you practice. If not, all this is for nothing. Jesus has always taught us to help others, to believe in good, and to stay focused on our goals.

Another important concern is that if you move ahead while helping others, you will never be left alone. To succeed is okay but to take others along in the journey is what makes you one of a kind.

Various peace talks and motivational speeches may help you to learn better. We, at The Center of Formation for Peace and Justice, believe that everyone has something good hidden inside them; you just need to bring that out.