Samsung has already announced its plan to launch the Galaxy S20, and soon the company will launch it. It seems that millions of consumers will purchase the newly launched Galaxy S20, and it is likely that the question will be raised about the standards of the recently launched 5G network. It is sure to ask whether the consumers and the companies providing network are all set to adopt the new generation phone. The launch of 5G networks will put the real test for the 5G networks everywhere especially in the US, and it will be interesting to see whether the networking standards could meet the needs of next-generation technology.
It has been speculating by the people that all the three S20 phones Samsung is going to launch will meet the expectations of 5G networks. According to some rumors, the three flagship phones of Samsung includes the Galaxy S20, the Galaxy S20 Ultra, and the Galaxy S20Plus. S20 and S20 Plus could be seen as the sequels of the Galaxy S10, and S10 Plus launched last year. However, the company has made innovations in the new model and have enabled it for the 5G network. Samsung has included the features like a brand new display of 120Hz in S20 along with the updated processors
and a system of an overhaul quadruple rear camera supporting 5G network by default.
The people have already seen the 120Hz display in action through the leaks made by the developers at XDA, which revealed that the screen would offer animations far smoother due to the faster rate of the display. The rear cameras introduced in the Galaxy S20 is also upgraded and will appear with A 64-megapixel telephoto lens along with A 12- megapixel primary camera lens and ultra-wide lens. If speaking in technical terms, then the Galaxy S20 5G phones are going to be first phones to be enabled for 5G networks both for the phone market in the US and for Samsung.
Samsung launched the Galaxy S10 in February in the year 2019, and the phone was enabled for the 5G network. Still, no carrier of US could launch a 5G network to date and not even could able to offer any particular time for the launching.
The fate of 5G phones in comparison to the sales of other phones of Samsung
According to Samsung, It had managed to sell 5G phones around 6.7 million in the year 2019, which is much more than it had expected. But, if the users will compare the sales of 5G phones sold by Samsung in the year 2019 to the sales of other smartphones produced by Samsung, then it will find that the sales figures are quite dismal. However, the year 2020 may create a different picture of this dark side as all the four major carriers working across the US is all set to provide a 5G network in some form. Still, some differences may arise in the speed, coverage, and technology of the network. The overall scenario is indicating that maybe the year 2020 is not going to be so smooth for S20 5G and looking at the situation, Samsung has decided to offer both networks 5G and 4G across the globe. In simple terms, the decision to provide both the network all over the world help products of the company to remain in the top list of consumers even if they will not any interest to purchase the 5G network.
But Still, there are a lot of questions remained to answer such as will the issues related to compatibility due to using different 5G technologies puzzled the consumers or not. The consumers will also want to know whether the batteries introduced in the new phone can stand up to power increased by drawing power from 5G modems.
The more important thing is that when the millions of consumers have 5G phones, then they would take care of the much-hyped 5G networks. If the consumers would not get the benefits as told to them with so expensive 5G phones, then would not it lead to pressure the company to lower down its prices.
The company and the carriers providing 5G networks should have to work accordingly to satisfy the needs of consumers and meet their expectations.
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