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Scalp Cooling System: A Revolutionary Hair Loss Prevention Method During Chemotherapy

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Chemotherapy is one of the most common and effective treatments for cancer patients. However, one of the challenging side effects of chemotherapy is hair loss known as alopecia. This can significantly impact the self-esteem and confidence of cancer patients. Scalp cooling system is a relatively new technique that can potentially reduce or prevent chemotherapy-induced hair loss.

What is Scalp Cooling?

Scalp cooling, also known as cold cap therapy, involves placing a special cooling device on the scalp before, during and after chemotherapy infusion. The scalp cooling system lowers the scalp temperature to constrict the blood vessels in the scalp and reduce the amount of chemotherapy drugs reaching the hair follicles. This minimizes the damage caused to the hair follicles thereby preventing or reducing hair loss.

How Does it Work?

A scalp cooling system consists of a special cooling cap connected to a thermo-regulated cooling unit. Before chemotherapy, the patient wears this cold cap which is then connected to the cooling unit. The cooling unit cools down the cap to temperatures ranging from -4°C to 10°C depending on the type of chemotherapy drugs used.

Keeping the scalp cool constricts the blood vessels and slows the blood flow entering the scalp. This reduces the concentration of chemotherapy reaching the rapidly dividing hair follicle cells. As chemotherapy drugs cannot reach the follicles in adequate concentration, it prevents or reduces the damage caused to hair follicles leading to decreased hair loss. The cap needs to be worn during and after chemotherapy for optimum results.

Subheadings: Effectiveness, Patient Selection


Several clinical studies have examined the effectiveness of scalp cooling in preventing chemotherapy-induced alopecia. Results show that it can reduce hair loss by 35-65% depending on the type of chemotherapy drugs used. Scalp cooling has proven to be most effective for chemotherapy regimens involving anthracyclines and taxanes which are common causes of extensive hair loss. However, its efficacy can vary among individuals. Complete hair retention is achieved in about 30-40% of patients.

Patient Selection

Not all cancer patients can benefit from scalp cooling. Patient selection plays a crucial role in determining treatment success. Scalp cooling works best for patients receiving less toxic chemotherapy regimens administered in short duration. Patients undergoing high-dose chemotherapy or those receiving total body irradiation are not suitable candidates. Physical factors like scalp thickness, hair density and type of chemotherapy also influence treatment response. A thorough discussion with the oncologist is necessary before opting for scalp cooling.

Subheadings: Side Effects, Risks

Side Effects

While scalp cooling can potentially prevent hair loss, it is not completely pain-free or side effect-free. The cold temperatures can cause temporary discomfort including headache, scalp pain and tingling sensation in the scalp. Numbness, redness and frostbite are rare but possible side effects. To minimize discomfort, modern scalp cooling systems use more advanced technology to deliver precise cooling with faster recovery times.


The biggest concern regarding scalp cooling is whether it compromises the efficacy of chemotherapy in any way. Some studies have shown no difference in chemotherapy response rate or overall survival between patients who underwent scalp cooling versus those who did not. However, more research is still needed to fully establish its safety. There might be a small risk of decreased chemotherapy delivery to the scalp area. It is not recommended for patients who have tumor involvement in the scalp region. Proper patient selection and monitoring can help minimize any potential risks.

Subheadings: Availability, Insurance Coverage


Scalp cooling systems have been available in Europe for over a decade now and usage is steadily increasing. In the United States, the FDA first approved a commercially available cold cap system in 2017. Since then, more advanced scalp cooling devices have entered the market. While availability was limited earlier, major cancer centers nationwide now offer scalp cooling as a standard supportive care option for chemotherapy patients.

Insurance Coverage

The costs for scalp cooling rentals can range from $150 to $300 or more per chemotherapy cycle depending on the device and duration of treatment. Many private health insurers in the US are beginning to provide coverage for scalp cooling, recognizing its psychological benefits. Several states have passed laws mandating that insurers cover scalp cooling as it prevents one of the most stressful side effects of chemotherapy. However, coverage varies depending on individual plans and more advocacy is still needed to improve universal insurance coverage for this important supportive therapy.


In conclusion, scalp cooling has evolved into a viable option to address chemotherapy-induced hair loss, one of the most distressing side effects from the patient perspective. While not all patients may benefit equally, it offers hope to many and improves quality of life during chemotherapy. As technology advances and more data validates its safety, scalp cooling will likely become more widely adopted. This can significantly boost the confidence and morale of cancer patients undergoing grueling chemotherapy treatments.