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Scoliosis, a sideways curvature of the spine, is a condition that can lead to disability. The phase where one is diagnosed with the condition is often overwhelming and unpleasant, depending on the severity and symptoms.

Thanks to the advancement in medical technology, spine specialists can now treat the curve with the help of surgery. However, post-surgery, especially discharge, one needs to be extra careful since the body will be weak and need rest. The doctor will advise certain precautions and care tips one must strictly adhere to. Whether you are a patient who underwent scoliosis treatment in Ahmedabad or someone who is reading to assist people in need, this article contains general precautions you must take till fourteen days, i.e., two weeks post-discharge.

No BLT (Bending, Lifting, or Twisting)

The first and foremost rule of the road to recovery is no BLT. Any spinal movement involving bending, lifting more than 3 kg, and twisting can add to the existing pain. There is a chance that it may increase pain or slow down recovery. Even though there are chances you might forget and engage in either of the non-advised movements, try to be extra cautious and careful.

Some spine specialists might as well recommend wearing a back brace for a limited period. The brace will serve as an additional protection, helping patients avoid high-risk activities until the spine heals or becomes more stable.

Incision Care

Even after their discharge, patients must take good care of the stitches. It is essential to keep the incision site dry and clean. Occlusive dressing or taped saran wrap is often recommended instead of creams, powders, or ointments. However, discussing the care routine clearly with the specialist before discharge would be best.

Pain Management

Pain management is a crucial aspect of recovering from the scoliosis surgery; however, it requires careful planning. Patients must avoid engaging in activities leading to or increasing pain. They must adhere to the medication routine to keep the pain under control. However, these medications must be taken in appropriate quantities and not for too long since they can increase the chances of developing health complications.

In case you need any help, consult with spine specialists. They generally recommend stopping consuming narcotics when one can effectively manage pain with a lower-power drug.

Follow-up Appointment

The first follow-up check-up can be between the 10th and 14th days post-discharge. The specialist will check the wound/incision site during the appointment to understand the healing. They might ask questions concerning the recovery or whether they encountered some problems throughout. Similarly, patients also have the opportunity to clear all their doubts during this appointment. Make sure to ask any questions concerning the challenges you faced or our future road to recovery.


Recovery from scoliosis is not limited to the treatment and your stay in the hospital. It extends beyond your discharge. In fact, you must pay more attention and adhere to all the medical advice a spine specialist gives. While you continue your recovery journey at home, monitor your progress and any potential signs indicating complications. If you notice red flags, visit the best spine surgeon in Rajkot immediately.

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