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Secrets to Email Marketing Strategies That No One Wants You to Know!

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Effective email marketing strategies include a mix of different types of emails that nurture your leads, from website visitors to possible business clients. To make B2B sales, it’s clear that you need to do a lot more than just write a catchy subject line.

If you hire a sales team to handle your B2B email marketing for you, they may already know the best ways to do it. And if you’re making your own B2B sales strategy, you’ll need to train your content and sales team on the subtle differences between B2B and B2C email marketing techniques.

In B2B email marketing, things go in a different direction than in B2C marketing. In B2C email marketing, you try to connect emotionally with your customers. Your focus should be on selling the benefits that people will get from buying your product. B2B email marketing, on the other hand, is based more on logic and reasoning.

In terms of how well B2B email marketing works, statistics show that “80% of business professionals believe that email marketing increases customer retention”.

Also, a B2B prospect takes longer to qualify and turn into a possible prospect. In B2C email marketing, you talk directly to the prospects, but in B2B, there’s more than one person in charge of making decisions.

What are Some Email Marketing Strategy Statistics?

Here are some B2B email marketing statistics that will surprise you:

  • The number of email users is projected to reach 4.5 billion by 2025. (Source: Statista)
  • Email is roughly 40 times more effective than social media at acquiring new clients. (Source: McKinsey)
  • The average email clickthrough rate is six times that of social media organic interaction. (Source: McKinsey)
  • Sending welcome emails is highly profitable because they generate the highest revenue per email than subsequent emails. (Source:)
  • Compared to other sorts of marketing emails, automated emails are opened twice as often. (Source:)
  • Personalization results in a 14% increase in click-through rate. (Source: Snov.io)
  • Including an emoji in the subject line raises the open rate by approximately 56% compared to plain subject lines. (Source: Experian)
  • Sending out email newsletters is the most used form of content marketing for 81% of B2B companies. (Source: Content Marketing Institute)

These email marketing statistics clearly prove that email marketing works well for a B2B market.

What is the B2B Email Marketing Strategy?

Business-to-Business (B2B) email marketing is a type of email marketing in which you send your emails to businesses instead of individual customers.

Many B2B email marketing strategies are similar to traditional B2C email marketing strategies, but there are also some important differences.

Also Read: Reasons Why Email Marketing is Still Crucial in 2023

Success as a B2B email marketer is contingent on your understanding of these distinctions.

The issue is that business-to-business email marketing is difficult to track. Companies frequently lose sight of audience segmentation and lump B2B and B2C email marketing strategies together.

Why Should You Create a Viable B2B Email Marketing Strategy for Your Business?

Have you ever pondered over email marketing? Have you asked yourself why you need to create a dedicated B2B email marketing strategy, what are the advantages, and how can such a strategy benefit your company – or the company for which you work?

To answer all your questions, here are reasons why an email marketing strategy is important:

According to a report, At least 72% of B2B buyers are willing to share helpful content via email. Your emails will be sent to other people, like when you share something on a social network.

For every dollar you put into an email marketing campaign, you get 44 dollars back. This is a huge number, especially when you consider that traditional marketing platforms can’t reach this level. You shouldn’t ignore email marketing, and building your email list should be your top goal.

How to Create an Email Marketing Strategy for Your Business?

Each of these phases is vital for developing a successful email marketing campaign strategy.

  1. Choose your tools wisely

Every organization requires the appropriate tools for creating, sending, tracking email marketing campaign strategies, and analyzing marketing emails and campaigns.

For example, an automation tool enables you to send marketing emails at optimal times, including those that are triggered by a user’s web activity.

  1. Identify your audience

Your target audience is the group of people who are most likely to buy from you.

Your email marketing should try to get their attention, get them interested, and then turn them into leads or buyers.

Once you know whom you’re trying to reach with your email marketing, it’s much easier to make sure your messages and content are appealing to them.

  1. Build your list of subscribers

You must collect their email addresses in order to build your email list of subscribers. How do you go about doing that? You must attract them, gain their trust, and persuade them to want to hear more from you.

Some tactics include:

  • Creating relevant content with a question – By providing value to your audience, you can build trust, educate, amuse, or inspire them. Then, somewhere in your content, include a Call To Action (CTA) inviting them to join your email list.
  • Make a one-time offer – A fantastic strategy to grow your list is by making a free offer in exchange for an email address. Try providing a freebie such as a tip sheet, template, or eBook in exchange for their email.
  • Placing an opt-in form on your company website – Many brands employ this strategy. The opt-in form is often a static element that can be seen in the sidebar or footer. This enables users to visit your website to register at any time while browsing.
  1. Create emails that are consistent with your brand and target audience

Consider the following factors when deciding which types of emails to send:

  • Is there a specific time of year when a drip campaign would be beneficial (for example, sales, conferences, events, holiday deals, etc.)?
  • Do you put out new content often? Would a newsletter help more people see it?
  • Do you have any suggestions for content that might make effective email messages?

Include all of your email campaign ideas in the template for your email marketing plan.

  1. Establish your objectives and decide how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your campaign

Once you have the right tools, figure out your target audience and personas. The next step is to build up your email list. Now, it’s time to determine your goals for your email campaigns.

Also Read: Effective Email Marketing Strategies to Boost ABM Results

Think about what you want to achieve with your email marketing. A few common goals include:

  • Expanding your email list
  • Increasing email openings
  • Raising click-through rates, and
  • Turning more devoted subscribers into customers

Incorporating B2B Email Marketing Strategies into the Types of Emails Businesses Use

We already know how to create an email marketing strategy, and how B2B Email Marketing Strategies can impact our business. Let’s see how we can implement them:

  1. You’re welcome email template: It makes sense to thank and greet a subscriber if they sign up for something, whether it’s to receive upcoming blog articles or a series of email tips.
  2. Curated content email template: Deliver excellent content to your viewers directly, so they don’t have to go online looking for it. By doing so, you greatly enhance the value you provide to your readers.
  3. An official announcement mail template: Announce awards, product updates, and pricing options to your subscriber list. You can link the email to your landing page or include all corporate news in your email.
  4. An email template for product promotion: Each new addition or update to your company’s product or service could convert numerous prospects into consumers. However, you must notify them of these updates. Send a list of changes to your subscribers when there’s an update on your product or service.
  5. Live event template: Event marketing is the best approach to meeting prospects and building relationships, even though it’s costly and time-consuming. Email marketing should include the events – when, where, and why.
  6. An email template for a demo request: Make a list of potential customers who have participated in at least one important website action but haven’t yet entered the sales process. Create a customized email inviting them to a live demonstration.
  7. Celebrating a milestone email template: List the prospective clients who have engaged in at least one significant website action but haven’t started the sales process. Invite them to a live demonstration with a personalized email.
  8. Email templates for referrals: An email marketing automation strategy assists in seeking referrals. An email is sent to all trial users who do not convert to paying customers 3–4 days after the free trial has ended.
  9. Account cancellation email template: The customer journey ends when they stop doing business with you. When they request to cancel their account, make it easy and depart on a nice note. Confirm by email and maintain a healthy relationship.


Building relationships with new website visitors and giving them value through your content through email marketing strategies is the path that leads them to become your long-term business prospects.

The most effective way to discover what works best for your company is to always test your email campaigns. It is also important to note that testing should not be done on a sporadic basis, but rather on an ongoing basis.

Get a head start this year with some of the best B2B email marketing strategies of 2023.

What are you waiting for? Connect with Binary Demand to help upscale your business today!

Source: B2B email strategies


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