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Most businesses close during the evening and nighttime hours.  Just because your employees aren’t there doesn’t mean your need for security disappears.  Your business is vulnerable to criminal activity, possibly even more so than during operating hours, as an empty building is an attractive target for criminals.  It is important to have a thorough understanding of the security issues that are present during after hours at your business.  Continue reading to learn more about the specifies of the issues and how to effectively mitigate the threat of criminal activity in the shrouded, darkness of night.

Empty Buildings Attract Criminals

When criminals know there is less chance of being caught, since the building will be void of employees and patrons, they are often more inclined to engage in illegal activities.  Your business may be targeted for minor crimes like trespassing or more serious illegal actions like theft, burglary, and vandalism.  Even if people are simply loitering on your property this can easily become a liability issue if someone gets hurt.  When any of these situations occur, it results in cost to your company.

Protect your establishment before something happens by contacting a reputable security company.  Depending on the unique factors of your business, such as location, size, assets, and points of entry, a tailormade plan can be developed to ensure you are fully protected even during the nighttime hours. 

Other Employees

Even if your business is shut overnight, it is likely at least some of the time there may be an isolated employee or two inside the building.  It is common for cleaning companies to do the cleaning during the evening hours when regular staff are at home.  Some highly motivated employees may stay late to complete a project before a deadline.  Thus, these after-hours employees are at risk should your building be broken into at night.

For businesses that regularly have after hours employees in the building, appropriate security protocols are essential.  More is at stake than mere assets, but the lives and well-being of those left in the building. 

Furthermore, security measures ensure employees that are not under scrutiny by other employees or management during normal hours, continue to preform their job correctly and honestly.  Even a rookie mistake like forgetting to lock up when leaving the facility could leave your business vulnerable to criminal activity for hours before the first day shift employee arrives.

Guards paired with security cameras can make certain your after-hours employees are not committing crimes like theft when they think no one is watching.  Additionally, they can patrol the grounds to prevent break-ins and guarantee employees make it safely to their vehicles.

The Unexpected

While you may consider security needs to only involve people, it is possible for problems to arise from nature as well.  Have you considered what would happen should a fire break out in your building while no one is there?  What if a pipe breaks and floods your building?  If no one is watching the building, severe damage may occur before anyone even becomes aware of the problem.  Having a security presence on the grounds during off hours, ensures than when an emergency occurs, it is identified and addressed more quickly to minimize damage.

Consider how a security company could benefit your business even during off-hours.