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Security testing can be daunting. It requires dedicated training, ongoing education, continuous practice, and top-rated tools.

Why QA Mentor?

– Specialized security testing services executed by dedicated professionals
– Examines your application the same way a hacker would
– Proficient in aggressively attacking application defences to find loopholes and weaknesses
– Use top rated tools
– Abide by best practices set forth by OWASP


Security testing can be daunting. It requires dedicated training, ongoing education, continuous practice, and top rated tools. The best security testing engineers, like those at QA Mentor, immerse themselves in the world of security testing and keep up to date on the latest threats and how to avoid them. Most businesses cannot afford the time or money to do that on their own. Security testing is highly specialized and should never be disregarded as something that any developer or tester can do without proper training. QA Mentor has a team of individuals who specialize in this art to take the burden off of you and your company and give you peace of mind.

Your web or mobile application is the face of your company and three-quarters of all attacks target the application layer of the system. Most business-level security scanners only scan the source code of applications and miss the deeper layers and the human element. It also neglects the inherited vulnerabilities of third party code and other dependencies, as well as unintentional user input.



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